How old should a puppy be when people get him?

i am getting a pitbull mix, i dont know if i should get him at 6 weeks or 3 months. I heard puppies need to be with their family for the first 3 months, i also heard that it depens on the breed. should i get my pitbull mix at 6 weeks?, or wait 2 months?…

    How old should a puppy be when people get him?

    i am getting a pitbull mix, i dont know if i should get him at 6 weeks or 3 months. I heard puppies need to be with their family for the first 3 months, i also heard that it depens on the breed. should i get my pitbull mix at 6 weeks?, or wait 2 months?…...
    General Dog Discussions : How old should a puppy be when people get him?...

    • How old should a puppy be when people get him?

      How old should a puppy be when people get him? General Dog Discussions
      i am getting a pitbull mix, i dont know if i should get him at 6 weeks or 3 months. I heard puppies need to be with their family for the first 3 months, i also heard that it depens on the breed. should i get my pitbull mix at 6 weeks?, or wait 2 months? or 3 months?

      How old should a puppy be when people get him?

      How old should a puppy be when people get him? General Dog Discussions
    • They only need to be with their mother for 7 or 8 weeks. We got our cocker spaniel at about 9 weeks. It would be a little bit better if you waited longer. They would be able to learn how life is before you take them home with you.

    • The soonest a puppy should go home to its new family is 8 weeks of age or 2 months old and no younger. And no later than 12 weeks of age. After 12 weeks the puppies tend to become more difficult to train if they are with their litter mates too long.

    • I think most good breeders wait until about 8-12 weeks to let pups go home with the new families. I wouldn't get one at six weeks, as he'll be missing out on some important time learning social skills from mama and his littermates.2/3 months is fine. You can probably find a pitbull mix (almost any age you want) at the shelter....they have LOTS of them in there that need good homes.

    • you dont want to leave your puppy with its litter mates for to long otherwise they get attached to them and its harder to leave. also you dont want to take them away to early because they wont get enough milk and wont develope properly! i recomend 8 weeks. 6 wks. is to early and 3 months is pushing the late side. there is alot of pit bulls in shelters! you should check'em out too!

    • Puppies are not supposed to be separated from their mothers or sold until they are 8 wks old. So if you are getting from a breeder she should know not to separate the puppies before 8 wks. Also it has nothing to do with the breed.

    • 8 weeks. 6 weeks is too young and he won't have training from his mother, 3 months, and you run the risk of poor human socialization. Also, know that you are supporting a back yard breeder. Your BREEDER should be telling you this! You should never get a dog from anyone who isn't a breeder, and I mean they do genetic tests, they pick mates based on bloodlines, health, and what they are looking for to better their line. Otherwise, you have no idea if your dog is carrying a genetic defect/disease, you are getting a dog bred for "fun" or money, meaning there was NO thought given to what is best for the dog. You get a dog with questionable health, no papers, and you are supporting someone who is using living creatures as a way to make money with no care of the damage he is doing. Pay the money for a respectable breeder, it is worth every penny, not to mention money saved in likey vet fees.

    • Most people sell puppies at 6 weeks old when you first get a puppy that young they tend to cry alot but this lasts for a week or so but it is best to get them young to start the training to your liking.

    • 8 weeks, then they are weened off of mom, and ready for puppy food. also the sooner you start training the happier you will be.oh and they chew the crap out of anything, so get plenty of toys, and chewy bones.