Anything I can do to reduce weepy eyes?

My 4 month old papillon pup has weepy eyes, that (to my suprise) seemed to get worse when I switched him from Science Diet to Wellness Just for Puppy. His vet said it's just tear stains and not an infection, and it's common in small dogs. Is there…

    Anything I can do to reduce weepy eyes?

    My 4 month old papillon pup has weepy eyes, that (to my suprise) seemed to get worse when I switched him from Science Diet to Wellness Just for Puppy. His vet said it's just tear stains and not an infection, and it's common in small dogs. Is there…...
    General Dog Discussions : Anything I can do to reduce weepy eyes?...

    • Anything I can do to reduce weepy eyes?

      Anything I can do to reduce weepy eyes? General Dog Discussions
      My 4 month old papillon pup has weepy eyes, that (to my suprise) seemed to get worse when I switched him from Science Diet to Wellness Just for Puppy. His vet said it's just tear stains and not an infection, and it's common in small dogs. Is there anything I can do to reduce it - a diffrent food or anything?

      Anything I can do to reduce weepy eyes?

      Anything I can do to reduce weepy eyes? General Dog Discussions
    • This is called tear staining. Here is some info and grooming tips: is a much better brand than Science Diet is.

    • I have no idea, I just got a chihuahua/ mini pinscher mix and she has the same problem. It may be allergies. I went to petco and got these wipes called "petwipes on the go" by petkin. they are bathing wipes I keep those in my purse so if I notice her eyes are weeping I take one of those out and wipe her eyes. They come in a pack of like 20, are individualy wrapped and are like 20 dollars. Hope that helps