How many sets of parvo does my puppy need?

I took her to the vet the day after I got her, she was 6 weeks then 8 weeks now and diuble her size... the vet there said 6 shots 1 every 3 weeks til she's 20 weeks but ive been researching and I see that most people usually just do 3. Does the vet just…

    How many sets of parvo does my puppy need?

    I took her to the vet the day after I got her, she was 6 weeks then 8 weeks now and diuble her size... the vet there said 6 shots 1 every 3 weeks til she's 20 weeks but ive been researching and I see that most people usually just do 3. Does the vet just…...
    General Dog Discussions : How many sets of parvo does my puppy need?...

    • How many sets of parvo does my puppy need?

      How many sets of parvo does my puppy need? General Dog Discussions
      I took her to the vet the day after I got her, she was 6 weeks then 8 weeks now and diuble her size... the vet there said 6 shots 1 every 3 weeks til she's 20 weeks but ive been researching and I see that most people usually just do 3. Does the vet just want us to keep goi g for the money? I mean it's 30 dlls for every visit aint that much but it'll add up at the end. Or does she really need all those shots. Also when is it safe to take her outside? From what the vet told me I got scared she said to not bring our puppy out til she has all her vaccines I really dont want her sick so she hasn't seen nothing else than our house, garage and car. This kind of worries me tho cause by the time she's 20 weeks she already gonna be grown and have no experience with other dogs or people. Since its only me and my husband here and we rarely ever have guests. When is it safe to take her out like to the park? I also want to take her to puppy training classes at petco, cause she is really bad right now she chews anything she gets a hold of and she bites us like crazy we bought her a bunch of toys and play with her but she'll still go for biting us instead. Also she pees and poops anywhere :/ we try to taking her to just one spot but she wont keep going. Last question: does her behavior in any way gets affected in a good or bad way because she sleeps with us on the bed?

      How many sets of parvo does my puppy need?

      How many sets of parvo does my puppy need? General Dog Discussions
    • i've never heard of 6 shots and i've had dogs all my life. i got pups right now, and they had there first set and need 2 more and they are done for a year.i would call another vet. i would wait for the walks till she had another shot. the second shot is the booster shot. then its the rabies shot.

    • Never heard of 6 vaccinations for parvo - the puppy shots are a set of 3, with a possible booster later.If I were you, I'd go to another vet. Vet is right about not taking her where other dogs go until 10 days after her last vaccination because she won't have full immunity until then.Puppy should have been with mom and littermates until at least 8 weeks, isn't even legal to sell puppies before 8 weeks. She obviously has no bite inhibition, something her mom would have taught her. As to pooping all over, you can't let her have full run of your house until she is potty trained. You need to get her outside for a walk (go around your property where other dogs don't go) on a regular basis, within 15 minutes after you feed her (twice a day I hope), before bed, first thing in the morning and every 2 hours or so until she understands where to potty.Look up crate training or baby gate her into a room where she can't do any harm when you can't watch her. You also need to neutralize (not just clean) wherever she's pottied, or she will go back there. Get a pet urine and waste neutralizer from a pet shop or Walmart - very important to get any traces neutralized, she can smell it and will go back to those places.That biting is mouthing, normal enough, but you need to stop it completely. When she bites you, say a firm NO, then discontinue all contact with her - leave the room if you have to. She will eventually learn that mouthing is the end of playtime.Not going to be a problem one way or the other because she sleeps with you as long as she understands you are in charge, but I sure wouldn't have an untrained puppy in bed with me, crate training is the way to go until she is potty trained --- Get a good book on puppies, their care and training - Puppies for Dummies is good, a fun read and very informative. You have a lot to learn about puppies.

    • I've never heard of that many parvo shots and I've had dogs for 40 yrs.There is a lot being said about over vaccination and side effects later in life.Go to and click on Education. Read the articles there.