When can u switch a kitten over to solids?

I am raising a kitten and the mother has left. I have been giving it milk and water and I think it may be about 4 or 5 weeks when can I began giving it solid food. Also any suggestions about litter training?

    When can u switch a kitten over to solids?

    I am raising a kitten and the mother has left. I have been giving it milk and water and I think it may be about 4 or 5 weeks when can I began giving it solid food. Also any suggestions about litter training?...
    General Dog Discussions : When can u switch a kitten over to solids?...

    • When can u switch a kitten over to solids?

      When can u switch a kitten over to solids? General Dog Discussions
      I am raising a kitten and the mother has left. I have been giving it milk and water and I think it may be about 4 or 5 weeks when can I began giving it solid food. Also any suggestions about litter training?

      When can u switch a kitten over to solids?

      When can u switch a kitten over to solids? General Dog Discussions
    • Don't give it cows milk...it can cause intestinal problems. Use a kitten milk replacer made for kittens. If it is 4-5 weeks old it can definitely eat solids...mix softened kitten food with a little water or KMR and offer it several times a day. Leave out a small bowl of dry kitten food and a bowl of fresh water at all times as well. This is the age to begin deworming which is also very important.

    • I fed my baby kitten, Royal Canin Baby kitten food, they sell it at Petsmart & Petco, it is made for kittens your age. I mixed it with Whiskas cat/kitten milk, the pet stores sell it & some grocery stores carry it as well. She loved it and was able to eat on her own & she did really well, in fact she still eats the same thing three times a day, but I give her Fancy Feast kitten food, instead of the baby food. I kept her in a med. size dog crate (plastic kind)when I couldn't sit and watch her, to keep her safe. Inside the crate I gave her a bowl of kitten kibble and shoebox lid, w/ cat litter, some toys and a soft bed. She loves her crate, still goes in on her own to snooze, I leave the door open all the time now, because she is 12 weeks old. She learned to use the litter box on her own, inside the crate. I hope this helps, she is the first young kitten I ever took care of, and boy, how much easier, then a puppy!!!! Good Luck!!!My vet also recommended Baby food (human like Gerber brand) to feed her when she was young, one of the meat formula's, but she did not care for it, at all!!

    • 4-5 weeks is good to move to solids. Leave one bowl out of hard kitten food and in the morning and at night give the kitten a fourth of a can of soft kitten food. After a few months of this you can stop giving the kitten soft food at night and only in the morning. One the kitten is a year old it can eat only hard food. Hope I helped!