how long after a dog gves birth do they start bleeding?

my chihuahua gave birth to puppies about 6 weeks ago..and today i noticed she has some blood on her part..could the boy dog hav raped her while i left her outside?! O_O..or is it normal for her to bleed

    how long after a dog gves birth do they start bleeding?

    my chihuahua gave birth to puppies about 6 weeks ago..and today i noticed she has some blood on her part..could the boy dog hav raped her while i left her outside?! O_O..or is it normal for her to bleed...
    General Dog Discussions : how long after a dog gves birth do they start bleeding?...

    • how long after a dog gves birth do they start bleeding?

      how long after a dog gves birth do they start bleeding? General Dog Discussions
      my chihuahua gave birth to puppies about 6 weeks ago..and today i noticed she has some blood on her part..could the boy dog hav raped her while i left her outside?! O_O..or is it normal for her to bleed

      how long after a dog gves birth do they start bleeding?

      how long after a dog gves birth do they start bleeding? General Dog Discussions
    • dogs don't "rape" he would not have tried to mate with her unless she was in heat, and only 6 weeks after whelping, it's unlikely she was. The best thing you can do is have her checked by the vet when you take the pups in for their 6 week check up

    • Call your vet because I know backyard breeders like yourself don't have breeding mentors.Chihuahua's a a dime a dozen in shelters. There are not enough homes for all of these dogs being born yet you stupidly added another litter to the overpopulations of dogs.For every animal that dies in a shelter, there is a HUMAN somewhere RESPONSIBLE for its death.