How often should my puppy poop?

I recently got a 6 week old German Shepard/Husky mix. His stool is soft (pudding like) and it is a mustard color. He has also been pooping about every hour. He is eating hard puppy food. I am a bit concerned, is this normal? What should I do?

    How often should my puppy poop?

    I recently got a 6 week old German Shepard/Husky mix. His stool is soft (pudding like) and it is a mustard color. He has also been pooping about every hour. He is eating hard puppy food. I am a bit concerned, is this normal? What should I do?...
    General Dog Discussions : How often should my puppy poop?...

    • How often should my puppy poop?

      How often should my puppy poop? General Dog Discussions
      I recently got a 6 week old German Shepard/Husky mix. His stool is soft (pudding like) and it is a mustard color. He has also been pooping about every hour. He is eating hard puppy food. I am a bit concerned, is this normal? What should I do?

      How often should my puppy poop?

      How often should my puppy poop? General Dog Discussions
    • You should take him back to the breeder to keep until he's 8 weeks old. 6 weeks is old enough to be separated from mom but not his litter mates, and by separating them too early like this you are guaranteed to have some developmental issues with him.Then, once home do not switch kibble over immediately or this will surely cause intestinal must change diet very slowly over a few weeks mixing 3/4 old kibble with 1/4 new for a week and then 1/2 and 1/2 for a week and then 3/4 new with 1/4 old for a week and then phase out the old all together. A healthy puppy will eliminate after eating and maybe another time or two but not every hour and it shouldn't be loose...if there's any concern, see the vet immediately (scoop the poop and bring it with you for an easier diagnosis). Don't "wait and see" with a puppy...their conditions can deteriorate very quickly and with diarrhea, a pup can dehydrate dangerously very quickly.

    • Defecating once an hour is not normal. Anywhere from one to three times a day would be in the realm of the norm. Also, his stool should not be pudding consistency.Make an appointment with your vet. Bring a fresh stool sample with you. Collecting a sample in a clean sandwich bag is fine.