What is a good leash for my westie puppy to use?

I have a 8 week old westie puppy and was wondering what leash I should use? There are retractable, regular nylon and ones with nets. Which would be the best for my puppy?

    What is a good leash for my westie puppy to use?

    I have a 8 week old westie puppy and was wondering what leash I should use? There are retractable, regular nylon and ones with nets. Which would be the best for my puppy?...
    General Dog Discussions : What is a good leash for my westie puppy to use?...

    • What is a good leash for my westie puppy to use?

      What is a good leash for my westie puppy to use? General Dog Discussions
      I have a 8 week old westie puppy and was wondering what leash I should use? There are retractable, regular nylon and ones with nets. Which would be the best for my puppy?

      What is a good leash for my westie puppy to use?

      What is a good leash for my westie puppy to use? General Dog Discussions
    • We vet techs hate the leashes that retract!! If I had a Westie, I'd get the harness that has the wider bands across the chest and hooks over the shoulders. The leash would be either nylon or leather and small. You could use the reel-type leash just for times when you specifically need to let him run without you but be under control.Pleae don't take your dog to the vet with a reel leash. The buttons change to the out position easily, and we have to keep reeling in your dog, plus the handles are cumbersome. We like the harnesses, because we can even use it to help lift the little dogs --- Westies are quite wiggly!Watch out for bright colors -- I once put alcohol on the neck to visualize a vein, and the blue harness dye ran onto the white dog. Looked a bit like a smurf! (it came out.) vet tech

    • get a retractable. but honestly, the leash doesnt matter. its the collar that matters. you should get a harness instead of a neck collar because it doesnt choke the puppy