Will putting garlic in my puppy food get rid of worms if so how long does it take?

I Have have a 9 week old puppy. I discovered the worms in his stool. I've heard putting garlic juice in his food will get rid of the worms but how long does it take to get rid of them and does that really work? I need answers ASAP!

    Will putting garlic in my puppy food get rid of worms if so how long does it take?

    I Have have a 9 week old puppy. I discovered the worms in his stool. I've heard putting garlic juice in his food will get rid of the worms but how long does it take to get rid of them and does that really work? I need answers ASAP!...
    General Dog Discussions : Will putting garlic in my puppy food get rid of worms if so how long does it take?...

    • Will putting garlic in my puppy food get rid of worms if so how long does it take?

      Will putting garlic in my puppy food get rid of worms if so how long does it take? General Dog Discussions
      I Have have a 9 week old puppy. I discovered the worms in his stool. I've heard putting garlic juice in his food will get rid of the worms but how long does it take to get rid of them and does that really work? I need answers ASAP!

      Will putting garlic in my puppy food get rid of worms if so how long does it take?

      Will putting garlic in my puppy food get rid of worms if so how long does it take? General Dog Discussions
    • Not only doesn't it work, garlic's one of the many, many things you never give a dog.You need to take this puppy and a fresh stool sample to the vet. After the vet tests the sample, he'll sell you the correct wormer for the type of worms your puppy has. Please don't delay, puppies this young can get a heavy worm infestation very quickly.

    • Good lord no. Garlic will not fix your puppy's worms. DEWORMING MEDICINE will fix your puppy's worms. Take him to the vet, for christ's sake you idiot.If anything the garlic will be toxic to your puppy.

    • NO NO NO it does not work but will make your dog sick. go to the vet and get the proper medicine for the type of worms your pup has. Puppies need special medicine you cannot worm them with anything over the counter , safely. If this is how you are gonnna care for your pup, give it to a good home that will go to a vet for proper pup care. LIKE worming and first shots . If you cant afford it , you shouldn't own a pup or dog. wake up please. This pup is counting on you to help her grow up properly. It is illegal to withold medical attention from a qualified vet, if the dog needs it for any reason. worms is a reason! you can go to jail or be fined for not taking the dog to the vet .