Activities for a bored recently neutered dog?

My 6 month old puppy was neutered two days ago and was back to his normal self that same evening. No e-collar or anything the vet just gave him some steroids to keep the swelling down and told me to keep him quiet for the next 5-7 days. Usually he gets…

    Activities for a bored recently neutered dog?

    My 6 month old puppy was neutered two days ago and was back to his normal self that same evening. No e-collar or anything the vet just gave him some steroids to keep the swelling down and told me to keep him quiet for the next 5-7 days. Usually he gets…...
    General Dog Discussions : Activities for a bored recently neutered dog?...

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    • Activities for a bored recently neutered dog?

      Activities for a bored recently neutered dog? General Dog Discussions
      My 6 month old puppy was neutered two days ago and was back to his normal self that same evening. No e-collar or anything the vet just gave him some steroids to keep the swelling down and told me to keep him quiet for the next 5-7 days. Usually he gets about 2-3 hours of exercise a day and he seems so bored. He can still go on shorter walks but he can't get out and run like we always do. Any suggestions for fun quiet activities that will keep him from being too bored?

      Activities for a bored recently neutered dog?

      Activities for a bored recently neutered dog? General Dog Discussions
    • I would try a "busy" toy.....something like a Kong toy. This way he can play without running around the house and having to move around to much in order to be amused by the toy.You can freeze them as well to add to the fun!Many people choose to stuff their dog's Kong toy with some combination of hard and soft stuffings. In fact, the number of things you can combine and stuff inside a Kong dog toy is virtually limitless!The basic idea is to put a little bit of creamy substance like peanut butter in the small hole end, fill 1/3 with treats, fill 2/3 with dog food, and add an accessible treat in the bigger hole end.I know several people who like to fill their with nonfat, plain yogurt. Lots of calcium, and no fat to upset their systems. I tried it with my dogs, but they just chewed on the outside--didn't like the yogurt. To each his own! It might be a good idea since he was just neutered to give him a little something thats easy on the tummy!Normal daily kibble in a Kong works wonders. Measure out a meal, and then use some of that so you don't overfeed the dog. Then stuff it further with something that will fit into the cracks, like banana or cheese, but I imagine the soft kong stuffing would work well too. Banana can be a bit easy and a bit messy, but cheese works great. Be warned it is fattening though. In the case of cheese, plugging the end and then microwaving it to melt the cheese down, then letting it set or putting it in the freezer works wonders.I have heard of people useing a "layering" technique by inserting first some soft stuffings, then a little bit of hard stuffings, followed by some more soft stuffings, and so on until the Kong toy is full of dog goodies. This layering effect increases your dog's desire to keep working at it to see what's further inside. You can even use some canned dogs food...alot of the premium dogs foods that come in dry also have a wet canned version...give it try!If you don't mind giving your dog human foods, you can find different recipes at www.kongcompany.comJust becareful what you give him just because of his recent neuter. You can always call the vet and see if they have any suggestions.Good Luck!ADD: The vet gave the dog steriods for a neuter? Just curious as the normal procedure is not very invasive (unless there was a complication such as undecended testicles and such) and its usually not ideal to give steroids to a pup. Steriods can cause increased appetite and thirst as just keep an eye out ;)

    • Get a cube that dispenses food and he will enjoy trying to get it out.Or just divide his daily rations up and feed him several times a day. You could scatter dried food around the house and it will amuse him whilst he looks for this. Hide toys around the house and teach him to seek. Groom him several times a day, take him for a ride in the car or visit friends. CLICKER TRAIN HIM and when he is recovered he will be able to do handstands.