How can I do for sell/adopt 4 newborn puppies?

How can I do for sell/adopt 4 newborn puppies?I had 4 newborn puppies of Miniature Schnauzer in my house (New Jersey), they was whelped on 18th of May, 2006,I’m planning to sell/adopt them, who could tall me how can I do now? Shall I have to…

    How can I do for sell/adopt 4 newborn puppies?

    How can I do for sell/adopt 4 newborn puppies?I had 4 newborn puppies of Miniature Schnauzer in my house (New Jersey), they was whelped on 18th of May, 2006,I’m planning to sell/adopt them, who could tall me how can I do now? Shall I have to…...
    General Dog Discussions : How can I do for sell/adopt 4 newborn puppies?...

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    • How can I do for sell/adopt 4 newborn puppies?

      How can I do for sell/adopt 4 newborn puppies? General Dog Discussions
      How can I do for sell/adopt 4 newborn puppies?I had 4 newborn puppies of Miniature Schnauzer in my house (New Jersey), they was whelped on 18th of May, 2006,I’m planning to sell/adopt them, who could tall me how can I do now? Shall I have to register them and how and go where to register?

      How can I do for sell/adopt 4 newborn puppies?

      How can I do for sell/adopt 4 newborn puppies? General Dog Discussions
    • I would sell them to family friends so you can always check up on them and make sure they are with a good family. you should register them but im not sure where to register

    • You can advertise them on any number of on-line free classifieds in your area. Do Google or Yahoo search for the sites. You can put up flyers at grocery stores, pet supply stores and other businesses in your area.Better still tell your family and friends that you have 4 puppies available for sale and that if they know of anybody looking to buy a Miniature Schnauzer then to contact you.Please be sure to screen each potential adoptive home throughly by asking them questions such as: Have you had any experience with dogs before? Do you have any other pets? Do you have any children? How old are they? Do you live in an apartment or a house? If you live in a aparment or are renting do you have your landlords permission to get a dog? How many hours a day will the puppy be spending alone? Will the dog be kept indoors or outdoors? This type of dog will not do well outside in the hot summer and cold winter!! Will they be taking the puppy to obedience classes? What will they do with the animal if they are going to travel? Do they have a vet? What will they do if there becomes a time when they are unable to keep the puppy/dog? These are just a few of the questions you should be asking if you want to find the best home for your pups!Have them sign an agreement not to breed the puppies and to have they spayed or neutered by the time they are 10 months of age, then they must prove to you that they have done this. Also have them sign that they agree to keep the puppies shots up to date. Ask for at least 3 references and the name of their vet so you can contact them.As far as regeristering them, in order to do that both of the puppies parents must also be registered. You must contact the American Kennel Club to register them. They will guide you through the process. You can find the American Kennel Club by doing a search through Google or Yahoo.Good Luck I hope you find happy, loving and safe homes for your pups.If it is at all possible visit their home to see where your puppy will be living.