How long does it take for new puppy to poop?

I just got a new Pomeranian Puppy last night about 13 or 14 hours ago and he has not pooped yet, however has has peed 3 times on his pee pad. He has also eaten and drank water.. but not pooped yet?He is 11 wks old.what the hell do u mean 6 months?

    How long does it take for new puppy to poop?

    I just got a new Pomeranian Puppy last night about 13 or 14 hours ago and he has not pooped yet, however has has peed 3 times on his pee pad. He has also eaten and drank water.. but not pooped yet?He is 11 wks old.what the hell do u mean 6 months?...
    General Dog Discussions : How long does it take for new puppy to poop?...

    • if you have had him 14 hours, i'd call the vet. they will give you better advice than anyone online. they may ask you about his food, etc. they may also tell you to stimulate him.have you walked him around your yard a few times? are you sure he's drank enough water? look around the house, are you sure he didn't poop?don't use puppy pads though (unless you're at work), actually housebreak the dog. you'll thank yourself for it.i am SO glad to finally start seeing people getting their pups at this age!!! it's best!

    • THe 6 month answer is stupid. But my puppy goes poop two or three times a day, and he refuses to go on his puppy pads, he will not do it, he prefers to do that in some secluded area for some reason, he always goes under our back deck outside, a few times he did under our bed. At first though, he didnt, cuz he was scared and still getting used to not being in the cage at the humane society. If it continues for much longer, I might call a vet, but try taking him outside, I think my puppy just doesnt like to go inside much at all, he usually does as soon as he is in the grass though. Try taking him out after he eats next time, thats when mine almost always goes.

    • Your puppy is probably just getting adjusted to his new home. Some won't poo for a while, until they feel more relaxed. I'm sure you will be taking him to a vet soon for his first check-up. If he doesn't go within a day or 2, and he hasn't been to a vet yet, then go on and take him to be checked out. It's better to be on the safe side and get him seen by a vet when they are a puppy. Most likely, your puppy is just getting adjusted to his new home and will go when he feels more relaxed. Just watch him, take him outside for a walk or let him run around in the backyard if you can, because sometimes activity will help a puppy poo. Best of luck. Hope helped.

    • I'll bet he's gone by now ....... don't worry, any moment you'll be wishing he'd stop.PS Of course, if he's straining, trying to go, without being able to, you do need to get him to a vet.