Side effects of tapeworm medicine for dogs?

My puppy Bowzer, who's a puggle. Just received his tapeworm medicine today to cure his worms/de-worm. After he took his medicine, he pooped about 5 hours later, and in his poop you could see the long tapeworm and a ton of other one's in his stool. He is…

    Side effects of tapeworm medicine for dogs?

    My puppy Bowzer, who's a puggle. Just received his tapeworm medicine today to cure his worms/de-worm. After he took his medicine, he pooped about 5 hours later, and in his poop you could see the long tapeworm and a ton of other one's in his stool. He is…...
    General Dog Discussions : Side effects of tapeworm medicine for dogs?...

    • Side effects of tapeworm medicine for dogs?

      Side effects of tapeworm medicine for dogs? General Dog Discussions
      My puppy Bowzer, who's a puggle. Just received his tapeworm medicine today to cure his worms/de-worm. After he took his medicine, he pooped about 5 hours later, and in his poop you could see the long tapeworm and a ton of other one's in his stool. He is now running around the house with his bone. He is extremely hyper. Is this because the worms were draining all his enzymes and nutrients, or side-effect of the medicine? Or is he possibly just revitalized from the tapeworms leaving his body?

      Side effects of tapeworm medicine for dogs?

      Side effects of tapeworm medicine for dogs? General Dog Discussions
    • I think you are probably over-anaylzing his behavior. He is probably just being hyper. Tapeworms rarely drain that much nutrients for you to notice any effect, unless you had a severe infestation, in which case he would have been extremely lethargic and may have even vomited up some worms. He will probably continue to shed tapeworm segments for a week or two. Make sure you take him outside on a leash and you clean up his stool and dispose of it in a trash can so he doesn't re-infect himself. The tapeworm itself he got from swollowing a flea, so you need to treat him for fleas as well for at least 4 months. Bring a stool sample to his next vet appointment to make sure he doesn't have any additional parasties.