what are the list of shots my dog needs to have before his first grooming. also how do you count a dogs age?

i have a minature poodle, named patches he was 8 weeks old in march of 2009 he never had any shots. what are the list of shots he need to have before his first grooming.

    what are the list of shots my dog needs to have before his first grooming. also how do you count a dogs age?

    i have a minature poodle, named patches he was 8 weeks old in march of 2009 he never had any shots. what are the list of shots he need to have before his first grooming....
    General Dog Discussions : what are the list of shots my dog needs to have before his first grooming. also how do you count a dogs age?...

    • what are the list of shots my dog needs to have before his first grooming. also how do you count a dogs age?

      what are the list of shots my dog needs to have before his first grooming. also how do you count a dogs age? General Dog Discussions
      i have a minature poodle, named patches he was 8 weeks old in march of 2009 he never had any shots. what are the list of shots he need to have before his first grooming.

      what are the list of shots my dog needs to have before his first grooming. also how do you count a dogs age?

      what are the list of shots my dog needs to have before his first grooming. also how do you count a dogs age? General Dog Discussions
    • If your dog was 8 weeks in March then he is probably about 8 months now. You count a dogs age the same way you do humans. People sometimes say 'dog years' and they multiply the age by 7. This actually isn't accurate though since dog's age differently than humans. So if someone asks you your dogs age, you just count from the day he was born. If he was 8 weeks in the beginning of March than he is a little over 8 months now, possibly closer to 9 months.The puppy series of vaccines starts with a DAP or DA2PP vaccine. (The first is for distemper adenovirus, and parvovirus, the second has those three plus parainfluenza. Depending on where you live your vet will choose which one is necessary due to what the frequencies of each are in your area.) This vaccine is then boostered four weeks later. (Some vets believe in boostering this vaccine a second time, but I don't believe that is necessary.) About four weeks after that your dog requires a rabies vaccine. Since your dog is already at least 8 months old, the groomer will probably want your dog to be up to date on all of these vaccines. Usually dogs are neutered at 6 months of age. When you take your dog in for vaccines you should also ask for a quote for a neuter so he can be neutered soon as well. This can help prevent aggression and marking behaviours.Good luck!