A blood blister on top of my puppies paw?

I noticed this a couple of days ago it kind of looks as though she got her paw pinched and caused a blood blister. Today it is draining. Is this something a vet should take a look at?

    A blood blister on top of my puppies paw?

    I noticed this a couple of days ago it kind of looks as though she got her paw pinched and caused a blood blister. Today it is draining. Is this something a vet should take a look at?...
    General Dog Discussions : A blood blister on top of my puppies paw?...

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    • A blood blister on top of my puppies paw?

      A blood blister on top of my puppies paw? General Dog Discussions
      I noticed this a couple of days ago it kind of looks as though she got her paw pinched and caused a blood blister. Today it is draining. Is this something a vet should take a look at?

      A blood blister on top of my puppies paw?

      A blood blister on top of my puppies paw? General Dog Discussions
    • you might want to have a vet look at it or at least call and check if you need to bring them in. Not sure where you live so tic's or other insects could be an issue.