How to keep my new kitten from crying?

I just recently adopted a kitten. He's only three months old. He was a stray so I have to keep him quarantined in another room away from my other cats until his appointment with the vet. But whenever I leave the room that he's in, he starts meowing and…

    How to keep my new kitten from crying?

    I just recently adopted a kitten. He's only three months old. He was a stray so I have to keep him quarantined in another room away from my other cats until his appointment with the vet. But whenever I leave the room that he's in, he starts meowing and…...
    General Dog Discussions : How to keep my new kitten from crying?...

    • How to keep my new kitten from crying?

      How to keep my new kitten from crying? General Dog Discussions
      I just recently adopted a kitten. He's only three months old. He was a stray so I have to keep him quarantined in another room away from my other cats until his appointment with the vet. But whenever I leave the room that he's in, he starts meowing and crying really loud. How can I get him to stop? I can't have him stay in my bed because of my other cats. I can't get any sleep!

      How to keep my new kitten from crying?

      How to keep my new kitten from crying? General Dog Discussions
    • Try this, the cat is crying because it misses it mommy </3 i have had this problem with my puppies and kittens in the past, so leaving alittle ticking clock in the room that is hand held by his bed will make him think its her heart, since his mom is gone, he sees you as his mom thats why he cries :') leaving the tiking clock should help, also, spend as much time with him as possible and leave things with ur scent on them in the room when u do leave (eg. a big hoodie you had been wearing all day in the room with him when he goes to sleep) hope i helped :)