am i allowed to take my puppy outside? if not, what do i do?

My puppy chihuahua is almost 12 weeks old and has never been outside.The reason being, he hasn't gotten any of his shots!He hasn't gotten it because it turned out at 8 weeks he had a rare disorder (curable, thankfully) and he's been taking steroids for…

    am i allowed to take my puppy outside? if not, what do i do?

    My puppy chihuahua is almost 12 weeks old and has never been outside.The reason being, he hasn't gotten any of his shots!He hasn't gotten it because it turned out at 8 weeks he had a rare disorder (curable, thankfully) and he's been taking steroids for…...
    General Dog Discussions : am i allowed to take my puppy outside? if not, what do i do?...

    • am i allowed to take my puppy outside? if not, what do i do?

      am i allowed to take my puppy outside? if not, what do i do? General Dog Discussions
      My puppy chihuahua is almost 12 weeks old and has never been outside.The reason being, he hasn't gotten any of his shots!He hasn't gotten it because it turned out at 8 weeks he had a rare disorder (curable, thankfully) and he's been taking steroids for it. He's off it now, but the vet wants me to watch him for a week to see if hes really cured before he can get his shots.He is getting his first round of shots next Friday, if he doesn't show any signs of his disorder coming back. By then, can I take him outside? Like just to walk around the parking lot?He really has so much energy right now, and when hes excited he runs around the kitchen and my room in circles. He's a happy dog. He now sits by the window and smells the air. I just feel bad he can't go outside.I have to wait until the 3rd round of shots till he can go out right? He will be about 16-17 weeks by then, (4 months old), and will never have been outside! :(As for socialization, the vet said he wasn't allowed to see any other dogs because his steroids make his immune system weak etc etc. But i socialized him with people and he literally loves everyone.

      am i allowed to take my puppy outside? if not, what do i do?

      am i allowed to take my puppy outside? if not, what do i do? General Dog Discussions
    • He will be fine.. Don't let him interact with dogs..Don't let him sniff what's left from other dogs..Don't let him drink/sniff standing water..If your vet didnt specifically tell you not to take him outside at all, You can always double check with them or another vet.

    • I would get a medical exemption from his vaccines, and just get parvo, distemper and rabies and boosters till age 1 then no more vaccines that weaken the immune system more.Build up his immune system before going outside especially before seeing other dogs with good diet. Some people say colostrum is effective in puppies.And I would also get a 2nd opinion from a holistic vet.

    • Only walk him where no other dogs have been, two weeks after his final shots you can take him anywhere, since he was ill before his immune system could make him more susceptible to other diseases so to be on the safe side I would wait the two weeks and follow your vets orders.

    • Weak immune system or not - it's best not to give all vaccinations at once. I never give more than one vaccination at a time - even with my adult dogs. If you give more than one at a time - you will never know which vaccination caused a reaction, if there is one. Right now - the most important thing on the agenda is to keep your pup healthy. I understand your feeling bad, I feel bad when one of my dogs has to wear a lampshade for some injury, but ultimately, it's all to keep your puppy safe. You would also feel VERY bad if your pup got very ill because he wasn't vaccinated and you let him outdoors. The time will fly by, and when you get a clean bill of health, socialize your pup with FRIENDLY dogs only - puppies would be best. He has a long life ahead of him and plenty of time to enjoy the outdoors.Edit: No TD's from me.