Owners of American Staffordshire Terriers, are you experienced with whelping puppies? I would like to know if?

.... anyone has delivered this breed of pups & if you are familiar with any common complications associated with this breed. My female is starting stage 1 of labor & the vet says she is okay but I'd like input from anyone who owns this breed & has first…

    Owners of American Staffordshire Terriers, are you experienced with whelping puppies? I would like to know if?

    .... anyone has delivered this breed of pups & if you are familiar with any common complications associated with this breed. My female is starting stage 1 of labor & the vet says she is okay but I'd like input from anyone who owns this breed & has first…...
    General Dog Discussions : Owners of American Staffordshire Terriers, are you experienced with whelping puppies? I would like to know if?...

    • Owners of American Staffordshire Terriers, are you experienced with whelping puppies? I would like to know if?

      Owners of American Staffordshire Terriers, are you experienced with whelping puppies? I would like to know if? General Dog Discussions
      .... anyone has delivered this breed of pups & if you are familiar with any common complications associated with this breed. My female is starting stage 1 of labor & the vet says she is okay but I'd like input from anyone who owns this breed & has first hand experience with whelping the pups & if any assistance was needed. She is approx 2 yrs old., this is her first litter, she is in excellent health & the ultrasound we had early in her pregnancy indicated approx 6 pups. I have been familiar with all the emergency signs & am prepared to take her to the vet if needed but just looking for comments from people who have gone through this experience.

      Owners of American Staffordshire Terriers, are you experienced with whelping puppies? I would like to know if?

      Owners of American Staffordshire Terriers, are you experienced with whelping puppies? I would like to know if? General Dog Discussions
    • We had dachshunds... not Staffies, sorry, but still small dogs with litters about the same size. Sounds like you're doing everything right so far, esp. keeping your vet informed. You probably have a nice sized litter box for her in a quiet location. Offer her water but not food during delivery. Be sure she tears off the birthing sac around each puppy after they're delivered; if she doesn't, then you need to do it for her. Since this is her first litter, she'll be inexperienced, but her instincts should kick in. She will want to eat each pup's afterbirth, and that's ok... let her. Let her lick and clean each puppy, then take it from her to weigh it and maybe put an identifying tag on it if they're similarly marked (#1, #2, etc). Replace the puppy in the whelping box so it stays warm and help it find a teat. As the birthing progresses, she may not want to eat any more afterbirths, or grow tired and not tear of any more birthing sacs, so you'll have to help her by tearing the thin membrane away, or the pup will not be able to breathe. Good luck, and congratulations!