How can you stop your two male dogs who were born together from fighting?

I have two collies. Both male both from the same litter. As puppies they were fine. We had a female at the time that was the alpha. when she died a few years ago they began to fight. I believed for alpha. It wasn't often and if i feed them separately and…

    How can you stop your two male dogs who were born together from fighting?

    I have two collies. Both male both from the same litter. As puppies they were fine. We had a female at the time that was the alpha. when she died a few years ago they began to fight. I believed for alpha. It wasn't often and if i feed them separately and…...
    General Dog Discussions : How can you stop your two male dogs who were born together from fighting?...

    • How can you stop your two male dogs who were born together from fighting?

      How can you stop your two male dogs who were born together from fighting? General Dog Discussions
      I have two collies. Both male both from the same litter. As puppies they were fine. We had a female at the time that was the alpha. when she died a few years ago they began to fight. I believed for alpha. It wasn't often and if i feed them separately and kept their food away from them it never happened. Then in december of 2011 my house burnt down. I couldn't keep the dogs for the first month when we were in a hotel. I set up boarding at a local vet temporarily until I found a more suitable location for such a long time. Eventually I found a couple that breeds Great Danes and boards out of her home that sits on a few acres. Both dogs were there for two months before my family got into a rental house. The landlord would not allow both dogs to live in the house. My mom picked one to come home. She wouldn't let us switch thinking it would confuse the dogs. We did visit the one being boarded. After seven months of this we get a call from the boarding place. My dog was shot with an arrow when he ran away. We felt at the time he wasn't being treated well, but didn't know what to do. that was the finally straw and we sneaked him to the rental house. While both dogs were there they fought ALOT. over i thought nothing. I hoped and prayed when we got home they would stop. We moved in barely a month ago and it is worse than ever. They are too old to be neutred i believe, They are eight. I don't want to give one up, but my mom thinks it might be the only solution. I don't know what to do. The one that was left at the boarders for so long is getting beat up very badly. His ear was split, lip split, gapping tooth marks. We have had to take him to the vet twice now for wounds. The other one seems to be starting 9/10 fights and he never has a wound. I love them both. Any advice would be appreciated.They weren't neutered because we breeded them.

      How can you stop your two male dogs who were born together from fighting?

      How can you stop your two male dogs who were born together from fighting? General Dog Discussions