What puppies shots can be given at 4 weeks?

In Georgia. Can puppies be given dewormer at this age too?

    What puppies shots can be given at 4 weeks?

    In Georgia. Can puppies be given dewormer at this age too?...
    General Dog Discussions : What puppies shots can be given at 4 weeks?...

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    • What puppies shots can be given at 4 weeks?

      What puppies shots can be given at 4 weeks? General Dog Discussions
      In Georgia. Can puppies be given dewormer at this age too?

      What puppies shots can be given at 4 weeks?

      What puppies shots can be given at 4 weeks? General Dog Discussions
    • We begin shots and dewormers at 6 weeks. I'm in Georgia, too!It's best to have a vet give your shots. Give boosters every 3 weeks 6 weeks, 9 weeks, 12 weeks, 16 weeks, and dont forget the parvo booster at 21 weeks.You need to have the stool checked under a microscope at 6 weeks and then the appropriate dewormer given by the weight of the puppies. They need 2 consecutive "no parasites found" to be considered parasite free. They also need to go on heartworm prevention at the appropriate time for the type you are going to use.They should still be with the mom, who is also eating puppy food at this time.Have mom spayed when the pups are weaned.vet tech

    • None at this age. As for deworming should have been started at two weeks on two week intervals 2 4 6 and 8 before they leave. Shots start as early as 6 weeks. So why didn't you ask your vet this after they were born?