My dog has a lump of extra skin under his throat? Any ideas?

I have a six month old puppy. Yesterday, I took him to the vet because he was looking sick, and they said he had a stomach infection. Now, I'm looking at him, and I see this the lump of sagging skin under his throat, kind of like a chicken's wattle. It's…

    My dog has a lump of extra skin under his throat? Any ideas?

    I have a six month old puppy. Yesterday, I took him to the vet because he was looking sick, and they said he had a stomach infection. Now, I'm looking at him, and I see this the lump of sagging skin under his throat, kind of like a chicken's wattle. It's…...
    General Dog Discussions : My dog has a lump of extra skin under his throat? Any ideas?...

    • My dog has a lump of extra skin under his throat? Any ideas?

      My dog has a lump of extra skin under his throat? Any ideas? General Dog Discussions
      I have a six month old puppy. Yesterday, I took him to the vet because he was looking sick, and they said he had a stomach infection. Now, I'm looking at him, and I see this the lump of sagging skin under his throat, kind of like a chicken's wattle. It's soft and moveable. What is it? Is my dog becoming sick?

      My dog has a lump of extra skin under his throat? Any ideas?

      My dog has a lump of extra skin under his throat? Any ideas? General Dog Discussions
    • Your pet is doing fine! :D it is totally normal for a dog to have a skin flab under his/her neck! this just means the puppy is growing up and has a little extra puppy fat. :) Hope I helped! - Julia <3