9 mos female pup with mammary gland lumps?

My 9mos shi tzu female puppy just recently ended her 1st menstrual cycle. A few days latet there appears to be lumpy glands around each breast. I don't understand. I don't have job or money. Could this be cancer on such a young puppy?

    9 mos female pup with mammary gland lumps?

    My 9mos shi tzu female puppy just recently ended her 1st menstrual cycle. A few days latet there appears to be lumpy glands around each breast. I don't understand. I don't have job or money. Could this be cancer on such a young puppy?...
    General Dog Discussions : 9 mos female pup with mammary gland lumps?...

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    • 9 mos female pup with mammary gland lumps?

      9 mos female pup with mammary gland lumps? General Dog Discussions
      My 9mos shi tzu female puppy just recently ended her 1st menstrual cycle. A few days latet there appears to be lumpy glands around each breast. I don't understand. I don't have job or money. Could this be cancer on such a young puppy?

      9 mos female pup with mammary gland lumps?

      9 mos female pup with mammary gland lumps? General Dog Discussions
    • You asked this in cats so it is not really the right place. I would imagine that this is a result of her menstrual cycle, but you will not know without taking her to the vet. Not having a job is not really a good enough excuse, it costs next to nothing to get a pet checked out if you're concerned, I went without an appropriate amount of food this month to take my cat the the vet and some abcesses he had sorted out. If you cannot afford a pet, then do not get one in the first place. If you get your dog spayed then it will end the annoyance of her cycle and any problems in the future with certain cancers.