i heard that there are programs where you can get Pitt bulls fixed for free?

okay so lets start off by saying i have 2 pitt bulls One male One female Both have there Puppy makers. Also There is something wrong with my male, I have put a lot of money into fixing his issue and nothing is working. He bites his backside until he…

    i heard that there are programs where you can get Pitt bulls fixed for free?

    okay so lets start off by saying i have 2 pitt bulls One male One female Both have there Puppy makers. Also There is something wrong with my male, I have put a lot of money into fixing his issue and nothing is working. He bites his backside until he…...
    General Dog Discussions : i heard that there are programs where you can get Pitt bulls fixed for free?...

    • i heard that there are programs where you can get Pitt bulls fixed for free?

      i heard that there are programs where you can get Pitt bulls fixed for free? General Dog Discussions
      okay so lets start off by saying i have 2 pitt bulls One male One female Both have there Puppy makers. Also There is something wrong with my male, I have put a lot of money into fixing his issue and nothing is working. He bites his backside until he bleeds and is bloody, he is very destructive toward his self. Especially when left alone i come back and he is all bloody and Its just sad! We spend like over 160 dollars on these Useless mange treatments, Feel like i got ripped off they never checked him, for the type of mange he had and they were giving him these shots that would make HUGE golf ball size lumps! "They stopped after the shot" Then we got another vet she said it could be fleas so we got him and my female some frontline. It got rid of the fleas But he is STILL hurting himself!! If i go anywhere we have to bring him with us or we will come home to a bald N bloody Backside. So the vet NOW says it could ne because he is 3 and not fixed and the testosterone and her smells could be making him go crazy, Also i am pregnant and i want him fixed before she comes anyways, Avoiding aggressiveness, His constant hornyness " i know not a word" but the dog has sex on his mind 99% of the time ALL he does is bite himself and sniff where she sits and drolls all over everything i turn around his mouth is shaking and hes sniffing the bed/couch/floor with a huge puddle of drool. Constantly has his nose in her butt. Stressing me out to ALL hell. I am so worried i am stressing my baby because he is just driving me crazy! i have had him for 3 years i love him with all my heart and i just want to fix this problem. with trying to get stuff for my first baby, Getting my house finished "still not fully built" and spending money on all these vet bills i can not afford anything i do not know what to do! The vets want an arm and a leg for everything it cost so much to get them fixed and i NEED it baby is here in 3 MONTHS. There is a place in pittsburgh "45 min away from where i live" who fixes pitt bulls for free and we called and they wont fix them because they only do people who live 30 miles away. And we are only 10 miles off!! I live in a small PA town i do not know what to do. I need help please do not give me any nasty answers i know how people are in this section. If you are rude you are wasting your time because i will NOT read what you said at all. So please nice answers. If you have any more questions i will be happy to edit and answerThanksOh snaps the aspca sent me a message and found a place for me :) Yayy now if the fixing dont work for him! looks like ill be paying mor money haha oh well as long as my baby boo puddins is all better its worth itaspca is THE SHIT

      i heard that there are programs where you can get Pitt bulls fixed for free?

      i heard that there are programs where you can get Pitt bulls fixed for free? General Dog Discussions
    • Since you are pregnant you should be about to get medicaid. Some vets will Fix your dogs for $10 if you show them your medicaid card. Medicaid doesn't pay for it. They just do this knowing that these people are hard up for money and can't afford and they ask to see the card for proof. Call all of your local vets and ask then...The worst they can do is say that they don't do that....But one might say that they do or at least give you an alternative. If that all falls through then the only other suggestion i have is to find someone that lives within 30 miles of that spay/neuter place and ask them if they mind if you use their address for the fix. If they require proof of residency then ask that person to say that the pit it theirs and let it go that way...Good luck.