How do I get my dogs to stop eating puppy food?

I have 3 adult dogs, one Great Dane, one German Shepherd, and one Rottweiler. After we tried to change them to adult food, they wouldn't eat it. They only ate their old puppy food. We've tried a lot of different brands too, and they won't eat it.

    How do I get my dogs to stop eating puppy food?

    I have 3 adult dogs, one Great Dane, one German Shepherd, and one Rottweiler. After we tried to change them to adult food, they wouldn't eat it. They only ate their old puppy food. We've tried a lot of different brands too, and they won't eat it....
    General Dog Discussions : How do I get my dogs to stop eating puppy food?...

    • You do not have to be a rocket scientist to know that you only have to stop giving it to them.Even children will continue to eat what is not healthy for them if adults continue to give them snacks morning, noon, evening and night.You do not have a dog problem; you have an owner problem. STOP GIVING IT TO THEM, EINSTEIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • trust me if they get hungry they will eat it. refuse to give them anything else. they will give in and realize its not so bad afterall!sound similiar to my spoiled kids!

    • Did you try transitioning them slowly over to the new food? Mix a little bit of the new food in with the puppy food for a few days, then keep putting more of the new food in and less of the puppy food until they're properly transitioned.If that doesn't work, put the food down and refuse to feed them anything else. They'll learn soon enough that it's that or nothing.

    • These are VERY beautiful dogs!If you're feeding them Puppy Chow....Mix the Puppy Chow with the Dog Chow (half/half).You shouldn't switch their foods so fast. It is a slow process and you must feed them half/half for about a week.If your dogs are a year old, they should still be eating Puppy Food since they are a larger breed. Only until they are 2 years old.After a week, give them just the Dog Chow (adult food).They will NOT starve. It will take a while though and since they know you will give in...they will not eat it until you do AGAIN.Good luck with this and have a merry Christmas!

    • I had the same problem. Just start mixing it together a little at a time. My dog is nowhere the size of yours. But, I feed my dog 2 cups of food. So, the first 2 or 3 days I fed her 1 1/2 cups of puppy food and 1/2 cup of the dog food and mix it all together.. Every couple of days I would add a little more dog food and a little less puppy food. It took about a month to completely switch over. I had to do it this way because my dog would just not eat if I switched it all at once. If you notice they're spitting out the dog food you may need to try a different kind or use a little less when you start to mix it. It took awhile but it eventually worked. I even had to do this with my cat. Good luck!

    • I had this problem with my dog, well similar problem. We fed our dog chunky stew and hard food and I warmed his food up since he was dog that was outside to soften the hard food a tad bit and add something different to it. Needless to say, he ate the soft food more and the hard food that was mixed the most with the flavor and had gotten softer he demolished it, but once it got cold he left it to sit. However, when I noticed that he only ate it right then and there I started to see that when I came out later or the next day the food was still seating there. So I left it out there for two days and realized that he would eventually get hungry and eat, which he did. And I got rid of heating up his food and just mixed it since I kind of spoiled him, on top of that I was only at home for a small amount of time, in between school and I made it hard on the rest of the family because he wanted his food hot. (I mean I would TOO!!) But it wasn't normal. I have a little "yo quedo taco bell" haha but when we changed his food and he let it sit, we warmed it up and he KILLED IT!!! Shocked me, but I think warming food up for your dog is good, its just that its something that you would have to continue to do, unless they would let it sit and sit. But if its warm they would more than likely eat it all...

    • don't try a bunch of stuff. tell them what they are going to eat and give it to them. if they don't touch it, pour it back in the food bin. once they skip a meal they will learn to eat it while it's out.