What do you do when your puppy seem to have inside and outside confused?

We got a puppy for Christmas. She is a mini dachshund and is now about 14 wks old. I try to take her out every couple of hours. Lately she doesn't do anything outside--no matter how long we stay out-- and then as soon as I bring her in she will go…

    What do you do when your puppy seem to have inside and outside confused?

    We got a puppy for Christmas. She is a mini dachshund and is now about 14 wks old. I try to take her out every couple of hours. Lately she doesn't do anything outside--no matter how long we stay out-- and then as soon as I bring her in she will go…...
    General Dog Discussions : What do you do when your puppy seem to have inside and outside confused?...

    • What do you do when your puppy seem to have inside and outside confused?

      What do you do when your puppy seem to have inside and outside confused? General Dog Discussions
      We got a puppy for Christmas. She is a mini dachshund and is now about 14 wks old. I try to take her out every couple of hours. Lately she doesn't do anything outside--no matter how long we stay out-- and then as soon as I bring her in she will go potty in the house. I was told to try and crate train her and now she pees in there too. She has even peed on us when she is sitting in our laps. What am I doing wrong? Is there something wrong with her?

      What do you do when your puppy seem to have inside and outside confused?

      What do you do when your puppy seem to have inside and outside confused? General Dog Discussions
    • Is this a change in behaviour? (ie. was she pretty good before but now isn't ?)The crate may be to big, as generally you crate them because dogs do not like to go in their living space, but if the crate is too big then there is room to sleep and pee.Have you ruled out medical problems (ie. spoken to a vet)Have you throughly cleaned the areas where she has peed inside? DON'T rub her nose in it - it only reinforces where the scent is. One trick you can try when she has an accident in the house (if it's not from a medical issue) is to "clean up" the spill with newspaper and put the now scented newspaper outside. Try to put her right by the newspaper outside and praise her for sniffing it and if she does anything on or near it(squat even if nothing comes out, or out and out pees on it) go pretty nuts with praise. With time she'll want to go outside.Only reprimand her if you catch her in the act. A sharp, low NO, followed by putting her outside (hopefully with the newspaper out there).