Do baby ferrets smell different than adults?

I have a 9week old ferret that I recently adopted, I actually just got her off the truck from a shipment from marshalls at my local pet store. She has a much different musky smell than my other female ferret who is 8 months old. It's almost like.... I am…

    Do baby ferrets smell different than adults?

    I have a 9week old ferret that I recently adopted, I actually just got her off the truck from a shipment from marshalls at my local pet store. She has a much different musky smell than my other female ferret who is 8 months old. It's almost like.... I am…...
    General Dog Discussions : Do baby ferrets smell different than adults?...

    • Do baby ferrets smell different than adults?

      Do baby ferrets smell different than adults? General Dog Discussions
      I have a 9week old ferret that I recently adopted, I actually just got her off the truck from a shipment from marshalls at my local pet store. She has a much different musky smell than my other female ferret who is 8 months old. It's almost like.... I am not quite sure how to describe it other than a burnt ferret smell. I know that sounds ridiculous. I just got back from the vet and he told me baby ferrets have a new smell like puppy's or human baby's do, but I wasn't too convinced because he doesn't specialize in ferrets. Also, her poop has a yellowish greenish film on it and I can distinctly tell the difference of her poop verses my adult ferrets poop. Is this because marshalls feed them differently and the diet change is hard on her digestive system? It's not runny, just mushy-er than normal. She acts completely fine and hyper and healthy, the doctor confirmed her health as well. Just wondering. I feed her marshals premium blend, and I put that odor be gone substance from marshals in her water. I also give sprinkle vitamin 8n1 daily supplement on her food. I don't feed her anything other then this, besides the occasional Marshall chicken flavored treat for her training rewards. Thank you

      Do baby ferrets smell different than adults?

      Do baby ferrets smell different than adults? General Dog Discussions
    • Baby ferrets usually have a milder 'ferrety' smell to them than adults but it is not different than adults ust milder. She may have gotten into something in transit and that is why she has an odor, ferret fur is bad about holding on to odors. You could give her a bath an see if that helps. but do not bathe your ferrets more then every other week or they can develop skin and fur problems. Is she eating and drinking alright? is the poop solid or runny? Ferrets normally have soft to firm stools. Usually, the color is brown to dark brown, close to black. Different colors may sometimes reflect colorings put into food or treats and with Marshal's foods..I would not be surprised! Marshals and 8 in 1 are NOT good foods for your ferret. Marshal's contains corn and oatmeal which ferrets can NOT metabolize and can lead to insulinoma down the road. 8 in 1 has raisin juice in it and raisins can be highly toxic to ferrets. Personally I use Wellness Core Grain Free Kitten, it is much better nutritionaly for ferrets even though its not a 'ferret' food. Yellow, green, or red in the stools indicate a gastrointestinal problem. Mucus in the stool is a definite sign that this is not normal. Did the vet run a blood test? some conditions are not able to be found without a blood test.If she is eating and drinking fine and the poop is solid or fairly solid then she probably just has a mild stomach irritation and it should clear up in a day or two on its own. if she's not drinking and the poop is runny it could possibly be Epizootic Catarrhal Enteritis (E.C.E.), a viral diarrhea. Also known as The Greenies, Green Slime or Green Diarrhea. If shes not eating or drinking well, add Pedialyte to her water, a 3/1 water/pedialyte blend. Ferret's dehydrate very easy and this blend will keep her hydrated and her electrolytes better balanced, and because it has a slightly sweet taste ferrets are more likely to drink it even when they are not feeling well.