Poisoned Pup. What is the survival rate of puppies who ingest d-con and are treated w/i 12 hours?

Puppy is 18 lbs./4 months old. Ate 1/2 c. D-Con over the course of a day. Induced to throw up in evening. Treated with Charcoal-Kaolin. Now on Vitamin K for 21 days. What are his chances of survival?

    Poisoned Pup. What is the survival rate of puppies who ingest d-con and are treated w/i 12 hours?

    Puppy is 18 lbs./4 months old. Ate 1/2 c. D-Con over the course of a day. Induced to throw up in evening. Treated with Charcoal-Kaolin. Now on Vitamin K for 21 days. What are his chances of survival?...
    General Dog Discussions : Poisoned Pup. What is the survival rate of puppies who ingest d-con and are treated w/i 12 hours?...

    • Poisoned Pup. What is the survival rate of puppies who ingest d-con and are treated w/i 12 hours?

      Poisoned Pup. What is the survival rate of puppies who ingest d-con and are treated w/i 12 hours? General Dog Discussions
      Puppy is 18 lbs./4 months old. Ate 1/2 c. D-Con over the course of a day. Induced to throw up in evening. Treated with Charcoal-Kaolin. Now on Vitamin K for 21 days. What are his chances of survival?

      Poisoned Pup. What is the survival rate of puppies who ingest d-con and are treated w/i 12 hours?

      Poisoned Pup. What is the survival rate of puppies who ingest d-con and are treated w/i 12 hours? General Dog Discussions
    • Wait to go, John Ross. You just completely shut-down the conversation. You must be a blast at parties. Thousands (if not millions) of questions within Yahoo! answers are *best* answered by a doctor. But that doesn't mean someone can't a medical related question anyway. And you never know, there may just be some vets on Yaoo! answers.Sounds like you did everything right, Debra. Particularly in getting him to puke the same day as he ingested the poison. If the charcoal treatment was also given same day and you are disciplined in giving him the vitamin-K, statistically speaking, his odds are actually far better than even.Those are just the statistical odds, and of course I'm just guessing, but based on everything you're telling us, I wouldn't worry too much.