Puppy ate chocolate! and I cant get to a vet!?

my puppy (about 8months, and 30lbs? syberian husky) ate about 5 of those mini-bars of hersey dark chocolate.. and i cant get to a vet. what should i do? the only med's i really have is benadryl, which i give her sometimes to calm down if people are…

    Puppy ate chocolate! and I cant get to a vet!?

    my puppy (about 8months, and 30lbs? syberian husky) ate about 5 of those mini-bars of hersey dark chocolate.. and i cant get to a vet. what should i do? the only med's i really have is benadryl, which i give her sometimes to calm down if people are…...
    General Dog Discussions : Puppy ate chocolate! and I cant get to a vet!?...

    • She'll be OK just give her lots of water and nothing Else for the rest of the day and watch her for signs of a fever and 5 mini bars should not hurt her any we had a cat that ate 3 Pound of those Christmas M&Ms and he's still alive we just gave him lot of water on no kitty food good Luck

    • If your vet says they will be fine and that makes you feel better about their eminent death then very good but kiss them goodbye, their organs are being damaged as we write. get them to another vet immediately. Dark chocolate is the enemy for dogs. get someone else to take them. Why can't you get to a damned vet?

    • its ok it would only affect it if it was a dog maybe undr 15 pounds. if the dog gets worse call a local animal hospital. in the meantime keep sweets out of reach from your dogs!!!! hope my advice helps

    • Trust me my 3.5 pound 2 year old yorkie ate halloween chocolate bars. I gave him Hydrogiene Poroxied just a 1 tsp and it forced him to throw up! I called the vet before I did this and she told me this was what I was supose to do! Be really careful with chocolate around your dog dont leave it out and temp them to eat it:) Good luck! I know the hydro pro is really hard to believe but truly it works!

    • Your puppy should be fine. If she gets worse, give her either hydrogen peroxide or ipecac to induce vomiting. (Call a vet and they will tell you the proper dosage.)