My 7 month old English bulldog is possibly allergic?

It's happened once before, on labor day weekend (saturday night) so we couldn't get her to a vet until Tuesday but by then she was fine. Now its happening again this evening and don't know what's causing her to react like this. She's got bumps all over…

    My 7 month old English bulldog is possibly allergic?

    It's happened once before, on labor day weekend (saturday night) so we couldn't get her to a vet until Tuesday but by then she was fine. Now its happening again this evening and don't know what's causing her to react like this. She's got bumps all over…...
    General Dog Discussions : My 7 month old English bulldog is possibly allergic?...

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    • My 7 month old English bulldog is possibly allergic?

      My 7 month old English bulldog is possibly allergic? General Dog Discussions
      It's happened once before, on labor day weekend (saturday night) so we couldn't get her to a vet until Tuesday but by then she was fine. Now its happening again this evening and don't know what's causing her to react like this. She's got bumps all over her body, they don't seem to bother her but if you touch them you can feel it itches her. We are planning on taking her to the vet tomorrow. But what are the possible causes for this to happen? Has it happened to anyone else's bulldog before? Please share any advice or past history on dealing with this.

      My 7 month old English bulldog is possibly allergic?

      My 7 month old English bulldog is possibly allergic? General Dog Discussions
    • Bulldogs are notorious for having allergies - sometimes severe ones.For now, rinse her down with lukewarm water - not hot or her pores will open and the allergen will be let in more. By rinsing her off, you may remove some of the stuff that could be causing the reaction - pollen or leaf mold perhaps? Make sure you also wipe her face. Then pat dry with a clean towel. You can do that every day to minimize allergies, as well as walking her in a t-shirt or even puppy pajamas (see And keep her in A/C so as to stay out of the allergens. If the hives are developing on her legs or underside, suspect something that might have been put on the lawn, or pollen still. And keep in mind, Bulldogs also have lots o f food allergens - look at what you are feeding her. You should ask for a referral to a veterinary dermatologist right away, and get on the Bulldog Club forum. At 7 months, you've gotten quite a head start on this. You're going to need more help than this. But this is a good start, from one of the top dermatologists at Tufts. And by the way, make sure you speak to the breeder.