Are sugar gliders sold at jewelry shows in Louisiana?

please and thank you.i heard that sometimes they sell them there.

    Are sugar gliders sold at jewelry shows in Louisiana?

    please and thank you.i heard that sometimes they sell them there....
    General Dog Discussions : Are sugar gliders sold at jewelry shows in Louisiana?...

    • Are sugar gliders sold at jewelry shows in Louisiana?

      Are sugar gliders sold at jewelry shows in Louisiana? General Dog Discussions
      please and thank you.i heard that sometimes they sell them there.

      Are sugar gliders sold at jewelry shows in Louisiana?

      Are sugar gliders sold at jewelry shows in Louisiana? General Dog Discussions
    • Since they are not jewelry, I would have to go with no on this one. If you want sugar gliders, do a lot of research, make sure they are right for you, and locate a reputable, responsible breeder. They make unsuitable pets for the vast majority of the population and are extremely high maintenance.

    • Why NOT purchase a glider from a flea market, fair, festival or trade show?First I’d like to say that sugar gliders CAN make wonderful pets that will bring you years of enjoyment. However; when you see these animals being sold at fairs, flea markets, trade shows, street fairs, etc., these animals are usually from a mill breeding environment. These vendors rely on impulse buyers to purchase one of their cute and tiny little joeys. I mean, who can resist such an adorable, pint sized creature?!?!?!If you’ve ever heard of a puppy mill then you’re well aware of the conditions in which those animals usually live. Mills are notorious for housing hundreds of sick and tortured puppies. Glider mills are no different. Some of these breeders are known for performing “pocket knife neuters” on site for their customers. Well, multiply that by THOUSANDS of sugar glider joeys and you can well imagine the conditions in which these animals live. Be aware of ANY vendor at one of these venues that claims they are “experts” and that you should not research elsewhere before purchasing from them. That should raise red flags to anyone interested in purchasing one of these animals! Log onto the internet and go to or and you will have great information available to you for research purposes. Why would anyone not want you to learn more about an animal that may live up to 15 years in your home? Researching is the RESPONSIBLE thing to do before bringing ANY animal into your home.Be wary of any vendor telling you that these animals do not bite! In the wild, sugar gliders use their VERY sharp teeth to strip the bark off of trees so they can extract the sweet sap from the bark. This is where they get their name. Even tiny joeys have teeth and can and WILL use them. Small joeys can be extremely aggressive out of fear. They’ve been taken from mom and you are a big, scary, creature to them and they WILL defend themselves. They are NOT suitable pets for young children!!Yes, gliders DO have an odor! The joeys that are being sold at these venues do not have an odor simply because they are too young to have their scent glands. When male sugar gliders reach sexual maturity at 3 – 6 months of age their scent glands will begin to appear. They have one on their chests and one on the top of their head that is very distinguishable as a “bald” spot. These joeys have no odor simply because they are not old enough to begin marking their territory!! If you see ANY of these vendors tube or bottle feeding joeys, that is a clear sign that they have been removed from their mothers before weaning and it is an inhumane and DEPLORABLE practice!The most harmful information that is relayed at these venues is that sugar gliders do not require a visit to the veterinarian! This is UNTRUE! Sugar gliders require the care of an EXOTICS veterinarian who SPECIFICALLY understands sugar gliders. Many a glider owner has spent frantic moments searching for a vet in the middle of the night. After all, that is when your glider will be its most active and when you’re more likely to notice that something is wrong. Sugar gliders are notorious for hiding illness. In the wild, they would remove themselves from the colony so as not to draw predators to the nest. By the time you notice symptoms of illness you have precious little time to get your glider the help it needs. If you do not already have a veterinarian in your speed dial, you may very well lose your animal!! Please be a responsible pet owner and research any pet before bringing it into your home. Please do not purchase any animal on impulse and if you do and later decide it’s not the pet for you, please locate a rescue group close to you that will find your pet a qualified forever home. Please do not feed them to other animals, put them out with the trash or set them free outside. Sugar gliders are non indigenous animals. Our climates and lack of natural habitat and sustainable diet makes it impossible for them to survive in the wild. Starvation is a horrible, painful death. Don’t make THEM pay for YOUR mistake!!!