My dog is limping and I want to help her?

She was outside earlier today and saw a rabbit or hare in the backyard.So of course she went to go chase it but while she ran for it she tripped on her own and landed on one of her legs.She immediately stopped running and started limping towards me.Im…

    My dog is limping and I want to help her?

    She was outside earlier today and saw a rabbit or hare in the backyard.So of course she went to go chase it but while she ran for it she tripped on her own and landed on one of her legs.She immediately stopped running and started limping towards me.Im…...
    General Dog Discussions : My dog is limping and I want to help her?...

    • My dog is limping and I want to help her?

      My dog is limping and I want to help her? General Dog Discussions
      She was outside earlier today and saw a rabbit or hare in the backyard.So of course she went to go chase it but while she ran for it she tripped on her own and landed on one of her legs.She immediately stopped running and started limping towards me.Im going to take her to the vet but I want to know if there's anything I can do to help her. Oh and its her right back leg.

      My dog is limping and I want to help her?

      My dog is limping and I want to help her? General Dog Discussions
    • Rest in a crate until you see the vet is best. May just be a sprain. Ice pack on injury will help keep swelling down too. You could give ONE 80mg aspirin but I would call a vets office first in case she is already taking other medications for other ailments. Read more here too: