Help my little chihuahua is injured broken leg?

Is there's way I can mend it myself? Or anyone know of places where they do it for cheap? I only get financial aid and I took the dog in off the street I live in east Los Angeles or can anyone tell me how much it will be if it is just sprained or broken?

    Help my little chihuahua is injured broken leg?

    Is there's way I can mend it myself? Or anyone know of places where they do it for cheap? I only get financial aid and I took the dog in off the street I live in east Los Angeles or can anyone tell me how much it will be if it is just sprained or broken?...
    General Dog Discussions : Help my little chihuahua is injured broken leg?...

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    • Help my little chihuahua is injured broken leg?

      Help my little chihuahua is injured broken leg? General Dog Discussions
      Is there's way I can mend it myself? Or anyone know of places where they do it for cheap? I only get financial aid and I took the dog in off the street I live in east Los Angeles or can anyone tell me how much it will be if it is just sprained or broken?

      Help my little chihuahua is injured broken leg?

      Help my little chihuahua is injured broken leg? General Dog Discussions
    • No, you can't fix a broken leg by yourself. Your dog will suffer terribly and either die or be crippled for life. Call a shelter and ask if they can recommend a low cost vet clinic. You may still have to work out a payment plan. Otherwise surrender the animal to the shelter. They will give it the care it needs and find it a new home.