We found out our black lab max has stomach cancer about 1 month ago. We brought him home from the vet and sinc?

Since we brought him home he still eats and drinks, but as of yesterday all of a sudden his walking is terrible. It looks like his legs hurt him when he gets up and looks like he walks like an old person. very slow and he is panting now. Does anybody…

    We found out our black lab max has stomach cancer about 1 month ago. We brought him home from the vet and sinc?

    Since we brought him home he still eats and drinks, but as of yesterday all of a sudden his walking is terrible. It looks like his legs hurt him when he gets up and looks like he walks like an old person. very slow and he is panting now. Does anybody…...
    General Dog Discussions : We found out our black lab max has stomach cancer about 1 month ago. We brought him home from the vet and sinc?...

    • We found out our black lab max has stomach cancer about 1 month ago. We brought him home from the vet and sinc?

      We found out our black lab max has stomach cancer about 1 month ago. We brought him home from the vet and sinc? General Dog Discussions
      Since we brought him home he still eats and drinks, but as of yesterday all of a sudden his walking is terrible. It looks like his legs hurt him when he gets up and looks like he walks like an old person. very slow and he is panting now. Does anybody know what the panting means i know they say that there trying to cool down but he's panting just laying there?

      We found out our black lab max has stomach cancer about 1 month ago. We brought him home from the vet and sinc?

      We found out our black lab max has stomach cancer about 1 month ago. We brought him home from the vet and sinc? General Dog Discussions
    • he's just dealing with the pain. Give him a lot of good raw meat let him enjoy his last days. My inlaws dog got cancer a while ago and they just started feeding him all this great stuff and he is still kicking and seems happy

    • The panting is a sign of pain. You really should be taking him to his vet to get him checked out to see if the vet can help him. You can't just leave him in pain.And please don't start feeding him raw meat if he isn't used to it. This poor dog has enough problems without adding diarrhea to them!

    • he is panting because he is in pain.I know how hard this must be for you as we don't want to think of losing our beloved pets.aThe thing you must do now is know whether it's time to put him out of his misery.I have done this to many times to count and I know how hard it is,but for the pets sake you have to make a decision.