My Beagle has developed what looks like a tumor?

Its a blob on her back leg, on the inside. She is old, but we cant take her to get it examined, not enough money. Do dogs develop Tumors? What could it mean?

    My Beagle has developed what looks like a tumor?

    Its a blob on her back leg, on the inside. She is old, but we cant take her to get it examined, not enough money. Do dogs develop Tumors? What could it mean?...
    General Dog Discussions : My Beagle has developed what looks like a tumor?...

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    • My Beagle has developed what looks like a tumor?

      My Beagle has developed what looks like a tumor? General Dog Discussions
      Its a blob on her back leg, on the inside. She is old, but we cant take her to get it examined, not enough money. Do dogs develop Tumors? What could it mean?

      My Beagle has developed what looks like a tumor?

      My Beagle has developed what looks like a tumor? General Dog Discussions
    • Yes, dogs develop tumors. It could be just a fatty type tumor- or it could be a cancerous tumor. Regardless, she needs to be seen by a vet. A lot of times, vet's will work with you on payments. Don't make the dog suffer because you didn't plan properly. Find a way around it, and take her to the Vet.

    • if your dog is on the obease (fat) side then it is just a fat tumor, its when excess fat doesn't have enough space so it forms a bubble like sorage space for fat. my dog had a huge one but its getting smaller. if they start to loose weight then the fat tumor will get smaller and eventually be gone.p.s. my dog is old too, 11

    • Yes, they do develop tumors. However, that's not always what that is. Older dogs sometimes do develop just growths. Not sure what they are, but if you can find a cheap vet, you really should take your dog in. If you know of a Pet Mobile, take her there. They are extremely cheap. Just don't let it develop into cancer. That is the worst thing to see a dog go through.

    • aw, poor doggy. it might be a tumor (which is just a group of cells that divide uncontrollably). a tumor may be a good tumor (benign) or a bad tumor (malignant). i urge you to take her somewhere where a licensed professional can tell you the difference. if it is a tumor, it will need to be taken out, or else she will suffer for some time. you have to decide..spend money for fido, or risk the consequences?good luck

    • My 12 year old lab looks like a bean bag. That sounds mean but she is actually full of fatty tumors. I take her to the vet a couple of times a year and they continue to tell me they are fine. One way you can tell it's a fatty tumor is that you can shift it under the skin. My dog has one on her back leg and I can actually move it a little. If it solid however it could be cancer.

    • Yes, they develop tumors. Dogs also can get cancers. This should be at least looked at. I have seen dogs with tumors that are not a problem otherwise and just have them as they age. BUT there are ones that need treatment also. My boss's dog got one on his head and needed it cut out. He is fine now. If it is a hard tissue feeling I would get it looked at. There are vet insurance plans now that aren't that pricey to have coverage on many things of them for. Look up aspca. You can get it for a basic plan starting at $8.99 a month for dogs. Your dog deserves medical care if needed also.

    • call around and talk to the vets in the area. Alot of them will give you the short and thin of it, especially if its likely cancer or another tumor of some sort. In the likelyhood it is they will normally charge a very small fee to put your animal down as you cannot afford to do anything else to ease your pets potential suffering and or treat the problem. Its a mercy call more or less. Might even have the local animal shelter or a SPCA, type agency advise you and such.I wish you the best, things sound as if they could be better for both you and your dog.

    • Dogs get tumors and sometimes they are cancer and sometimes they just are there (probably not cancer, definitely needs to be checked out). They get cysts and clogged pores and everything else we do. You will see more goofy stuff as they age, just like with us. It could be something that a cheap treatment will fix now, but if ignored will cost more or become painful. Try to find a discount vet, call a rescue for an inside tip. The doctor can tell by looking at it if you should test it or not. The exam is pretty cheap and so is the test. It is the treatment that may not be. If it is just the skin, the treatment could be really simple.In the meantime, be careful not to nick it while grooming in case it doesn't heal nicely. Many lumps will just stay open and cause pain and infection and not heal once disturbed.Good luck to you and your beagle. I have a lady beagle too.