what would make a dog with neck soft tissue injury to now loose muscle mass. Is something overlooked?

took him to the vets. they said its a soft tissue injury in his neck. steroids, muscle relaxers and pain med not working. now noticing his neck is getting smaller like hes loosing muscle mass and panting alot and peeing alot for like 2 min strait. He…

    what would make a dog with neck soft tissue injury to now loose muscle mass. Is something overlooked?

    took him to the vets. they said its a soft tissue injury in his neck. steroids, muscle relaxers and pain med not working. now noticing his neck is getting smaller like hes loosing muscle mass and panting alot and peeing alot for like 2 min strait. He…...
    General Dog Discussions : what would make a dog with neck soft tissue injury to now loose muscle mass. Is something overlooked?...

    • what would make a dog with neck soft tissue injury to now loose muscle mass. Is something overlooked?

      what would make a dog with neck soft tissue injury to now loose muscle mass. Is something overlooked? General Dog Discussions
      took him to the vets. they said its a soft tissue injury in his neck. steroids, muscle relaxers and pain med not working. now noticing his neck is getting smaller like hes loosing muscle mass and panting alot and peeing alot for like 2 min strait. He is still in alot of pain. The medicine is not working. I am taking him back tomorrow. could this be something else other than a neck injury?

      what would make a dog with neck soft tissue injury to now loose muscle mass. Is something overlooked?

      what would make a dog with neck soft tissue injury to now loose muscle mass. Is something overlooked? General Dog Discussions
    • Side effects - of anti-inflammatory steroids can be numerous. In dogs and less often in cats, the most commonly seen side effects include an increase in thirst and appetite, followed by an increase in urine production, and possible weight gain. In dogs, panting can be a common side effect, and sometimes mood alterations can occur. These mood changes may make the dog irritable and sometimes can result in a "nice" dog suddenly snapping at its owners. Often times, tapering the dose of steroids down, will result in a decrease of the side effects.Steroids Steroids are no longer the first choice recommendation for use as anti-inflammatory in dogs. Steroids lead to loss of muscle mass, which is a big problem in dogs. causes wasting, so to add something that will only increase the loss of muscle mass is not a good line of defense to follow. Natural anti-inflammatories, such as those listed on the Medication and Exercise Schedule page should be the first choice.

    • I'd like you to explain the soft tissue injury. What caused it, how large is the area? What breed of dog do you have and what is its age?Were any tests run, if so which ones?How long has the dog been on steroids? They will certainly make the dog thirstier (consequently they drink more & pee more) & hungrier. (Which are side-effects your vet SHOULD HAVE TOLD YOU!)Do you see any muscle-loss in the head area? If so it might be this: Masticatory myositis is an immune-mediated, inflammatory condition that affects the muscles of mastication. Or it could be this: Type II muscle fiber deficiency is a congenital myopathy that has been described in Labrador Retrievers. The cause is unknown. Clinical signs are seen at <5 mo of age and include skeletal muscle atrophy, stunted growth, and weakness.IMO, you should return to the vet - if the dog is still in pain, and-/or not better.