what is the best way to remove surgery stitches from a female dog?

my dog was spayed 9 days ago. how and what is the best way to remove the surgery stitchs, with the least amount of pain for all involved.

    what is the best way to remove surgery stitches from a female dog?

    my dog was spayed 9 days ago. how and what is the best way to remove the surgery stitchs, with the least amount of pain for all involved....
    General Dog Discussions : what is the best way to remove surgery stitches from a female dog?...

    • If the Vet didn't tell you to come back, the stitches may be the kind that dissolves, so don't do anything.do anything.

    • Most places that do surgery will remove the stitches for free. Or if you want to do it yourself and they are not metal thread, then have someone hold the dog on her back or up in the air where you can see the stitches. Snip them with the point of the scissors next to the knot from the stitch and work your way down the suture line. You might need to slightly lift up on the suture so you can get under it to remove them without snipping the dog. Then gently pull on the knot part to pull out the stitch. Do NOT use peroxide on the skin as this can slow healing. Wash off with warm soap and water after wards.

    • I've had to do this several times myself....don't worry, there is no pain involved in removing sutures on your pet if you do it correctly.I would reccommend using a thin pair of scissors and a good set of tweezers.Simply pull very lightly on each individual stitch...you will see what looks like a "loop" with a knot at the top. Do not cut crossways and remove the knot...you could end up with suture silk under where you can't get to it. Simply lift the stitch lightly, and cut the suture in half NEXT to the knot. Then grab the knot end and pull the non-knotted end out and all the way through. :) It's very simple, and very painless as long as you don't tug and do it gently. Be sure you have the thread completely severed though, without a good pair of surgical scissors it sometimes takes a little effort to cut all the way through. :D

    • call your vet and ask if the stitches will disolve or require removal. they should be able to answer your question. if they require removal, you can either take your dog back (most places do not charge to remove stitches) or take them out yourself.if you are not familiar with taking out stitches, then i would strongly suggest that you take the animal back to the vet for this procedure.

    • im guessing go back to the surgeon, like im sure they told you to do, and have them remove them safely. unless you want to open the wound again, and let a nasty infection get in it, causing you more money.DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUH

    • To remove stitches take a small sharp pair of scissors, and pull the stitch up at the knot and just snip it off. then you can easily remove the cut ends of the stitches with out any pain to the dog. Be careful and don't snip her skin though... Good Luck and thank you for getting her spayed

    • Some vets use stitches that dissolve, some don't. I suggest you call your vet to find out what type were used. If they don't dissolve, a return trip to the vet is called for. Usually stitch removal is free.If you have no medical experience, I suggest you do not attempt to remove the stitches yourself. There is a proper way to remove them and if you do it incorrectly and leave some of the suture material in your dog, other problems will develop. Also, your dog will sense your nervousness over removing them and will not trust you enough to relax for the removal.

    • First of all 9 days is a little early to be taking sutures out. second of all, take your dog back to the vet where the surgery was done and have them removed there. That way the vet can check the incision and make sure it healed properly etc.