My basenji pinched a nerve in her lower spine two nights ago but is recovering, how long until a full recovery?

Like I said , it happened 2 nights ago. She was straight legged walking at first, then lost all mobility in her back legs, we gave her steroids and pain pills from the vet. Today she can stand and somewhat twitch her toes but still cannot walk. She can…

    My basenji pinched a nerve in her lower spine two nights ago but is recovering, how long until a full recovery?

    Like I said , it happened 2 nights ago. She was straight legged walking at first, then lost all mobility in her back legs, we gave her steroids and pain pills from the vet. Today she can stand and somewhat twitch her toes but still cannot walk. She can…...
    General Dog Discussions : My basenji pinched a nerve in her lower spine two nights ago but is recovering, how long until a full recovery?...

    • My basenji pinched a nerve in her lower spine two nights ago but is recovering, how long until a full recovery?

      My basenji pinched a nerve in her lower spine two nights ago but is recovering, how long until a full recovery? General Dog Discussions
      Like I said , it happened 2 nights ago. She was straight legged walking at first, then lost all mobility in her back legs, we gave her steroids and pain pills from the vet. Today she can stand and somewhat twitch her toes but still cannot walk. She can hold her bladder but won't pee unless I lift her back legs, she can lift her legs to her peeing position but can't walk which is odd to me. I've been helping her through the walking motions and it seems to be helping but how long does this process usually take?She's 2 and a 1/2 years old and roughly 18lbs

      My basenji pinched a nerve in her lower spine two nights ago but is recovering, how long until a full recovery?

      My basenji pinched a nerve in her lower spine two nights ago but is recovering, how long until a full recovery? General Dog Discussions
    • She should be on bed rest (crate rest) for at least a month. She should not be moving around at all other than to pee and poop. A full recovery can take weeks or months. I had one dog take 6 weeks and another take 5 months.

    • Crate rest is needed, for about 8 weeks. Limit her mobility - not easy with a basenji! Though basenjis are not a high risk breed for IVDD, I would read about canine backs at: Alot of good advice there from crate rest, to medications. The folks there have lived through all sorts of back issues.