3 year old male cat, neutered and declawed long ago, recently started urinated in a closet. Any ideas why?

I have a three year old cat, who has lived with me for a little over two years. He was neutered when I got him and at that time, I also had him declawed. He has never urinated on anything before. Now all of a sudden, he has been urinating in the…

    3 year old male cat, neutered and declawed long ago, recently started urinated in a closet. Any ideas why?

    I have a three year old cat, who has lived with me for a little over two years. He was neutered when I got him and at that time, I also had him declawed. He has never urinated on anything before. Now all of a sudden, he has been urinating in the…...
    General Dog Discussions : 3 year old male cat, neutered and declawed long ago, recently started urinated in a closet. Any ideas why?...

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    • 3 year old male cat, neutered and declawed long ago, recently started urinated in a closet. Any ideas why?

      3 year old male cat, neutered and declawed long ago, recently started urinated in a closet. Any ideas why? General Dog Discussions
      I have a three year old cat, who has lived with me for a little over two years. He was neutered when I got him and at that time, I also had him declawed. He has never urinated on anything before. Now all of a sudden, he has been urinating in the bedroom closet. We moved in with my fiance about two months ago, who has a dog but they (the dog and the cat) had basically lived together for about a year before that at my house with no problems. Any ideas why he might be doing this now?

      3 year old male cat, neutered and declawed long ago, recently started urinated in a closet. Any ideas why?

      3 year old male cat, neutered and declawed long ago, recently started urinated in a closet. Any ideas why? General Dog Discussions
    • If I had to guess my best bet would be that he has a urinary tract infection which is VERY common in cats. If its not that then the previous tenant may have had a cat that peed in the closet and the cat is also smelling that and urinating there.

    • He may have a urainary tract infection. This may cause the cat discomfort and they tend to urinate in areas other than their litter box. Try taking him to a vet to get him checked out. Also he may feel uneasy (maybe about a recent move, or even rearanging the house) and this can cause cats to urinate in strange places too. In any even you still will want to take your kitty to a vet and make sure he's not in pain. Good luck!On another note, If your closet smells a certin way, for instance you throw all your dirty clothes in ther, he may be urinating because of a specific smell. Try using urinater elimonator and then spaying your closet floor down with frebreeze! Cats are odd creatures!

    • Although the dog and cat are used to each other, and the cat is also used to your boyfriend, it sounds like this may be caused by stress. make sure you've got the basics covered: the cat box is clean and in a quiet area, that he can easily get to it, and that he isn't being prevented from doing so (like, by the dog). I've heard that orange peels smell bad to a cat, you can put a few in the closet (keeping them replaced so they're fresh). Cats also dislike vinegar and mothballs, but it's up to you on if you'd like to put those in your closet.I'd also take him to the vet to rule out a possible urinary or bladder infection. If there are no physical causes for this, then its a newly developed behavioral problem, and your vet may have suggestions. Don't punish the cat unless you catch him in the act--and then only a firm NO, and take him to the box. Rubbing their nose in it doesn't really help and in fact can tramatize him further.I went through this with my cats, and it was a pain. I ended up having to lock her in the bathroom with food, bedding, litterbox for a month. Towards the end, I started letting her out for short periods of time, increasing her time out until she could stay out all of the time. This is an extreme approach, and only a last resort.

    • probably just a urinary tract infection. Take him into your vet and have his urine checked before it gets worse. also monitor closly for urination in general. Male neutered cats are very suseptable to becoming blocked and unable to urinate at all which if left untreated can kill them