Will my dog get sick by eating a kinda large amount of thin paper?

She ate my globe that you hang in the ceiling but she seems fine right now but she's only 4 months

    Will my dog get sick by eating a kinda large amount of thin paper?

    She ate my globe that you hang in the ceiling but she seems fine right now but she's only 4 months...
    General Dog Discussions : Will my dog get sick by eating a kinda large amount of thin paper?...

    • Will my dog get sick by eating a kinda large amount of thin paper?

      Will my dog get sick by eating a kinda large amount of thin paper? General Dog Discussions
      She ate my globe that you hang in the ceiling but she seems fine right now but she's only 4 months

      Will my dog get sick by eating a kinda large amount of thin paper?

      Will my dog get sick by eating a kinda large amount of thin paper? General Dog Discussions
    • This is a good question for your vet. Whenever a dog eats a foreign substance, there's risk of a blockage, which can kill a dog pretty quickly. Call your vet in the morning to ask specific questions. Until then, keep a close eye on her-- look for pain, whimpering, unproductive vomiting, hard belly, constipation, lethargy... If you notice anything weird, get to a 24-hour ER vet immediately. Make sure you have the number and location of the closest ER vet on hand-- you can google "24 hour emergency vet" in your area, or get the info from your vet's answering service or voicemail.

    • Its very possible yes, but there are a lot of dogs who eat soo many things that just shouldn't be eaten and are fine. Like the other person said just watch them and if you notice anything weird take her to the vet immediately.