How can you tell if your senior dog has arthritis?

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    How can you tell if your senior dog has arthritis?

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    General Dog Discussions : How can you tell if your senior dog has arthritis?...

    • How can you tell if your senior dog has arthritis?

      How can you tell if your senior dog has arthritis? General Dog Discussions
      how do you fix it?

      How can you tell if your senior dog has arthritis?

      How can you tell if your senior dog has arthritis? General Dog Discussions
    • You can't really fix it, but you can manage it. If you have a senior dog, it almost certainly has arthritis. You can pretty much bet on it. You can give a glucosamine supplement. They have ones made for dogs, but they are the same as the ones made for humans. Your vet can prescribe pain meds for your dog. Rimadyl is a very common one. Don't give your dog any human pain meds, though. Things like Tylenol and ibuprofen can cause major damage to the liver and kidneys.

    • Arthritis is often assumed to be a senior dog disease. While it certainly does strike dogs in their golden years, younger dogs are susceptible, too.Arthritis is an inflammation in a joint. It gets worse over time, and may begin as simple morning stiffness and progress to lameness and swollen, painful joints. The good news is that while arthritis is incurable, treatment can make your dog feel a whole lot better.Check these links for more info.