Is a hormonal imbalance making my dog moody?

Late last year, my dog came down with what appeared to be a UTI. I took her to the vet and he suggested a hysterectomy as smaller dogs tend to have them more often and they're at a higher risk for developing cancer. I went ahead and had the procedure…

    Is a hormonal imbalance making my dog moody?

    Late last year, my dog came down with what appeared to be a UTI. I took her to the vet and he suggested a hysterectomy as smaller dogs tend to have them more often and they're at a higher risk for developing cancer. I went ahead and had the procedure…...
    General Dog Discussions : Is a hormonal imbalance making my dog moody?...

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    • Is a hormonal imbalance making my dog moody?

      Is a hormonal imbalance making my dog moody? General Dog Discussions
      Late last year, my dog came down with what appeared to be a UTI. I took her to the vet and he suggested a hysterectomy as smaller dogs tend to have them more often and they're at a higher risk for developing cancer. I went ahead and had the procedure done as my dog was always miserable when she was in heat and I thought it would be for the best.Since the procedure, my dog has been healthy overall, but as of late she's been terribly moody. At times she'll become aggressive and start growling and barking at the family-- even at me. Could it be that a hormonal imbalance is making my dog moody?Of course I plan to take my dog to the vet to get this sorted out, but want some feedback from people who might have experience with this in the meantime.I don't think my dog is in pain. She's very vocal about things. When she's in pain or in discomfort, when she was in heat for example, she would cry and whine was generally depressed-- but not at all aggressive. When she's frustrated (when I'm taking too long to take her for a walk, won't play with her) she'll grab one of her toys and "attack" it. This is different. For example, if she's balled up in bed because she's cold and I try and cover her with her blankets, or if I pet her, she'll growl-- even if she's cold. She never used to do that. She was always a very sweet and affectionate dog. She still is, to a degree, but she's definitely different.

      Is a hormonal imbalance making my dog moody?

      Is a hormonal imbalance making my dog moody? General Dog Discussions