What is Dog Gland Expression ? & How oftin do they do it?

What is Dog Gland Expression ? & How oftin do they do it?

    What is Dog Gland Expression ? & How oftin do they do it?

    What is Dog Gland Expression ? & How oftin do they do it?...
    General Dog Discussions : What is Dog Gland Expression ? & How oftin do they do it?...

    • What is Dog Gland Expression ? & How oftin do they do it?

      What is Dog Gland Expression ? & How oftin do they do it? General Dog Discussions
      What is Dog Gland Expression ? & How oftin do they do it?

      What is Dog Gland Expression ? & How oftin do they do it?

      What is Dog Gland Expression ? & How oftin do they do it? General Dog Discussions
    • The anal gland is located just above the dog's anus. Some dogs have to have their glands expressed - or have pressure applied to expel accumulated contents - as often as once a month. Some dogs never need this done.

    • Dog glands usually refer to the anal glands and sacks. These produce a very foul smelling liquid that gives the dog a distinctive scent that other dogs detect. Usually they do not present any problem and you never have to express them. If you see your dog scooting across the living room rug dragging its butt then there might be a problem. Sometimes these sacks get full and do not release on their own. Then they need to be expressed or emptied. The first time you should take the dog to the vet and have it examined to determine if this is the problem. The vet will then express the sacks. The sacks can become impacted and cause sever pain for the dog and rarely they become such a problem that they need to be surgically removed, glands and all. If it is just and occasional problem, like ever few months or so, you and learn to do the expressing yourself and save some bucks.

    • The anal glands are located on each side of the anus. They should not need to be expressed if they are functioning correctly. Some dogs, however, do have problems with them. I found that using Cortisone 10 cream (not ointment) works wonders. I have one that had a lot of problems when I first got him. I used the Cortisone 10 and he's never needed to go to the vet again. It's worth a try. If it doesn't work for your particular dog, then there's always the vet. Most vets will show you how to express the glands correctly so you won't hurt the dog or make things worse.