4 week old puppy with possible broken taiil?

the tail looks broke n feels broken and the dog seems perfectly fine whats the worst that can happen if i dont do anything about it could the tail just be curved?it doesnt hurt him when i touch iti think it looks cute lolhttp://tinypic.com/r/20kzrbd/7

    4 week old puppy with possible broken taiil?

    the tail looks broke n feels broken and the dog seems perfectly fine whats the worst that can happen if i dont do anything about it could the tail just be curved?it doesnt hurt him when i touch iti think it looks cute lolhttp://tinypic.com/r/20kzrbd/7...
    General Dog Discussions : 4 week old puppy with possible broken taiil?...

    • 4 week old puppy with possible broken taiil?

      4 week old puppy with possible broken taiil? General Dog Discussions
      the tail looks broke n feels broken and the dog seems perfectly fine whats the worst that can happen if i dont do anything about it could the tail just be curved?it doesnt hurt him when i touch iti think it looks cute lolhttp://tinypic.com/r/20kzrbd/7

      4 week old puppy with possible broken taiil?

      4 week old puppy with possible broken taiil? General Dog Discussions
    • Can't tell by your picture.For a pup that young, actually breaking of the tail seems ulikely. It is more likely he was born with it kinked and you did not notice until now that he has gotten bigger.

    • My first question is what on earth you're doing with a 4 week old pup.Upon viewing the photo, it's too dark and shows nothing.Worst case scenario:Breakage could compress a nerve thereby causing a lack of blood flow to the tip of the tail. Due to lack of blood flow, the tail could become gangrenous and infected. From there the tail can fall off and the necrotic tissue can progress an infection toward the rest of the body.Best to get the pup looked at by a qualified professional. Could be nothing, could be everything to the pup.

    • The dog in the picture looks like it has been docked anyway you should get it checked out because i have heard that they can split down the middle or even kill the dog all could be just rumours but dogs don't always show pain so i would take him to the vets asap

    • What exactly do you think that picture shows? I can't even see a tail. Not even going to get into why you have a puppy that young, but if at 4 weeks you're already witholding vet care, I pity that poor puppy