Can I cut my puppies tail?

I heard you should cut a puppy schnauzers tail when thier yongue. Is this true?

    Can I cut my puppies tail?

    I heard you should cut a puppy schnauzers tail when thier yongue. Is this true?...
    General Dog Discussions : Can I cut my puppies tail?...

    • not for those kind of dogs, it'll look funny. there are some dogs that do look better when their ears are trimmed and tails cut ex: mini pins, boxers, pit-bulls, etc. but not those!

    • well no i would not reccomend you doing it yourself unless you know what you are doing. Im gonna assume the dog is older then 3-5 days so take the dog to the vet to do it, but its major surgery.And you people are wrong it doesnt have to be done by a vet. Many breeders dock themselves cause theres lots of vets that do a horrible job on docking, they chop the tail and make it look horrible. Many also like weimaraner people take in a book to show vets how to do the docking. And then there are those who do it themselves. I have docked myself helping another breeder to do it. Its not hard if done right its quick and somewhat painless, the pups are more upset at being upside down so that distracts them they squeal for a min and then when you put them on there belly there fine. So it doesnt have to be done by a vet specially cause vets dock really bad sometimes, as long as you know what you are doing then you can dock

    • It won't help any if you do, but let a vet do it if your going to.The vet will give your dog some medicine to make the pain go away when its done, but your dog could get beaten up by other dogs if it doesn't have it's tail to show feelings.For the dogs safety, I wouldn't do it if I were you. Most dogs who have their tails cut at an early ag or old age don't live as long as they would. It's even illegal in England, or France, I forget that alot.Anyway, the tail is one of the ways a dog communicates, so it will also have a pretty bad social life.

    • Yes, If you are selling them or you want on, you need to take them to a VET and have them "dock" their tail. This MUST be done between 3-5 days old, after that this is considered a major surgery and will be an amputation.