Can I cut my puppies tail?

I heard you should cut a puppy schnauzers tail when thier yongue. Is this true?

    Can I cut my puppies tail?

    I heard you should cut a puppy schnauzers tail when thier yongue. Is this true?...
    General Dog Discussions : Can I cut my puppies tail?...

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    • Can I cut my puppies tail?

      Can I cut my puppies tail? General Dog Discussions
      I heard you should cut a puppy schnauzers tail when thier yongue. Is this true?

      Can I cut my puppies tail?

      Can I cut my puppies tail? General Dog Discussions
    • Don't do it,you'll kill it!Why the thumbs down? She could kill it if she attempted it herself,especially if the puppy is older.The tail can bleed a LOT ,and if it's a tiny pup,and she doesn't know what she's doing,she could cause it to bleed to death.

    • AKKKKKKKKK! NO! between 1-3 days old the puppys should be taken to the vet to have their tails docked. you should never attempt this your self. I have seen alot of very bad infections, and worse from people doing this themselves.

    • NO! You should never try to dock a dog's tail at home. The tail has bones in it, and it's about as painful as someone cutting off your finger! If you're going to have the dog's tail docked, let the vet do it. You need to realize, though, that docking the dog's tail will cause it pain, even if the vet does it.

    • don't cut it off unless there is actually a good reason for itif they have really long tails maybe they get in the way or something? i don't knowbut i don't think you should cut your puppies tail off...and if you really want to, get a vet to do it

    • No, you shouldn't. You are cutting off a limb. If it is just going to be a pet, there is no reason for his tail to be docked, or cut off. It isn't like he will remember it when he is older or anything, but that doesn't make it any less cruel to lop off his tail.

    • Hundreds of years ago, tail docking was performed because it was thought to prevent rabies, strengthen the back and improve speed and agility (1). In some cases it was done out of the desire to protect the dog from injury. Schnauzers were intially bred as ratters and docking the tail prevented bites on the tail from the vermin they were hunting. Today, tail docking is done because it is traditional for the breed. It is purely cosmetic surgery. Countries such as Norway, Sweden, Greece, Switzerland, Germany, and parts of Australia have banned tail docking. Tail docking is done when the puppies are 3-5 days old. It is thought that the nerves in the tail are not fully developed at this age so the puppies complain more about cold hands and being held down than they do about the pain of the actual docking. No anesthetic or freezing can be given as the puppies are so young, it could jeapordize their life. Tails are usually docked at the hand of a vet although some breeders will do it themselves. Luck

    • It needs to be docked by a vet, they tie off the blood vessels and do the bone removal in such a way that the spine doesn't have permanent pain/damage.If you're thinking of doing it yourself, ask yourself if you'd remove your thumbs with a scissors and feel ok about that. It's not something a person can do by themself--docking needs to be done by a veterinarian.

    • my dad always took VERY SHARP SCISSORS OR POCKET KNIFE to cut the puppies tails with but if their older than 3-5 days have a vet do it. within the first 3-5 days they only bleed a drop or two and make sure mom trusts u or u might b in trouble with her. dont cut them too short my dad always started at the base (or butt) and counted 3-4 bones in the tail out. oh he also said u can use a rubber band at the length u want and tighten ea. day till it drops off (never tried that myself but my dad was an old cowboy and he never "steered" me wrong. LOL

    • If your puppies tail wasn't docked within the first few days of life, then your puppy is going to have the tail for the rest of it's life. A vet isn't going to dock it if it's any older than that, because it is so incredibly painful. And NO you should not do it yourself.

    • I breed rotties and dobermans and both of them need there tails docked I have my vet do it and I do it at 24 hours after birth, at that age it's like cutting your fingernails the longer you wait the more expensive it gets. No matter what a vet should do it. At 24 hours old the vet won't even have to put the dog to sleep the longer you wait it becomes a surgery and they have to put the dog to sleep like any surgery. I also have there dew claws removed at that time.

    • If you want to cut your puppies tail I would strongly advise that you go to a professional, like a vet and ask his opinion, or ask him where you can get it done.I was watching animal planet and this guy cropped his pittys ears with scissors when she was a puppy. and after the Humane society found out they put him in jail for animal cruelty.So get it professionally done :)