How long does my dog have to live after bloody snot ran from her nose?

About two weeks ago, I noticed that my dog who is ten and a half years old had a snot/mucus discharge from her nose. I took her to the vet and they said it was a tumor and suggested that I wait until I thought it was time. She has been having a very hard…

    How long does my dog have to live after bloody snot ran from her nose?

    About two weeks ago, I noticed that my dog who is ten and a half years old had a snot/mucus discharge from her nose. I took her to the vet and they said it was a tumor and suggested that I wait until I thought it was time. She has been having a very hard…...
    General Dog Discussions : How long does my dog have to live after bloody snot ran from her nose?...

    • How long does my dog have to live after bloody snot ran from her nose?

      How long does my dog have to live after bloody snot ran from her nose? General Dog Discussions
      About two weeks ago, I noticed that my dog who is ten and a half years old had a snot/mucus discharge from her nose. I took her to the vet and they said it was a tumor and suggested that I wait until I thought it was time. She has been having a very hard time breathing these past few days and she is showing a lot of discomfort. What do I do? When is the right time?

      How long does my dog have to live after bloody snot ran from her nose?

      How long does my dog have to live after bloody snot ran from her nose? General Dog Discussions
    • I would say that your dog doesn't have much time left. In my professional opinion, I recommend taking your dog to the vet to be put down as soon as you can bear it. The trouble breathing indicates that either your dog is in pain, or not getting enough oxygen, which could lead to brain damage. The right time is when you are ready, although the sooner is better. Think of it this way; if you were a dog, and you were in agonizing pain for your waking hours, wouldn't you want to be put out of your misery?

    • My case worker's 15 year old JRT had the same thing happen and when he couldn't breath that well, she had the vets take a look at him and they found the tumor grew to cover both nostrils so she had him PTS

    • dogs hate loud noises because they have very sensitive ears so if you have a dog make them think that your gone and watch them and if they try to jump up bang something very loudly like pans or something but dont let the dog see you.First, get a large piece of cardboard or solid board, and put it on the edge of the table with half of it hanging of the side. Put cans or jars filled with pennies or something that makes a lot of noise on the end that is NOT hanging off the table. When your dog jumps up to put his paws o the table, the cardboard will fall off because his weight will cause it to tip. The loud jars will alarm him. Once he figures out that jumping on the table only results in an uncomfortable situation, he will start to learn not to do it. Hope this helps.