How can I help my dog with the after-effects of mange?

I adopted a beagle who had an advanced case of mange. He has been treated w/Revolution, but he has alot of "scarring" (very thick, rough skin) and his skin is extremely dry on his hind-quarters and legs. Is there anything out their to help soften his…

    How can I help my dog with the after-effects of mange?

    I adopted a beagle who had an advanced case of mange. He has been treated w/Revolution, but he has alot of "scarring" (very thick, rough skin) and his skin is extremely dry on his hind-quarters and legs. Is there anything out their to help soften his…...
    General Dog Discussions : How can I help my dog with the after-effects of mange?...

    • How can I help my dog with the after-effects of mange?

      How can I help my dog with the after-effects of mange? General Dog Discussions
      I adopted a beagle who had an advanced case of mange. He has been treated w/Revolution, but he has alot of "scarring" (very thick, rough skin) and his skin is extremely dry on his hind-quarters and legs. Is there anything out their to help soften his skin and reduce his dryness-related itch. It is just terrible that after be relieved of a lifetime of itchy mange he is still scratching at dry skin.

      How can I help my dog with the after-effects of mange?

      How can I help my dog with the after-effects of mange? General Dog Discussions
    • Goodwinol ointments good, my vet prescribed it for my pups irritated skin due to sarcoptic mange. your vet about this product or if he can suggest some type of ointment for your dogs skin.

    • POOR PUPPY Have you considered an oatmeal bath? Even a baking soda bath. the directions are on the box. Followed by a nice shampoo and conditioner. Hope he feels better and thanks for careing.There is also a treatment on the market for reducing the severity of scarring . You should probably ask your vet about it. No prescription needed. GOOD LUCK!