How do I train my 1 year old dog?

I got my dog when he was around 4 months old and I potty trained him. We moved when he was 9 months old and ever since we moved he has been peeing all over the house (on the sofas, pillows, clothes left on the sofas, and on the kitchen table). We…

    How do I train my 1 year old dog?

    I got my dog when he was around 4 months old and I potty trained him. We moved when he was 9 months old and ever since we moved he has been peeing all over the house (on the sofas, pillows, clothes left on the sofas, and on the kitchen table). We…...
    General Dog Discussions : How do I train my 1 year old dog?...

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    • How do I train my 1 year old dog?

      How do I train my 1 year old dog? General Dog Discussions
      I got my dog when he was around 4 months old and I potty trained him. We moved when he was 9 months old and ever since we moved he has been peeing all over the house (on the sofas, pillows, clothes left on the sofas, and on the kitchen table). We literally take him out 3 times a day (morning, afternoon, and night). He used to pee on the indoor puppy pads, but now all he does is play with them. My dad is really considering giving him away, but I'm attached to him. What can I do?

      How do I train my 1 year old dog?

      How do I train my 1 year old dog? General Dog Discussions
    • First of all, it depends on the breed of the dog and how much water you're giving him. Smaller dogs have smaller bladders. If he's getting a lot of water everyday, taking him out 3 times a day may not be enough. Personally, I don't like indoor pads. I feel like they encourage a dog to do their business inside. If he only plays with them, I'd get rid of them. They're no longer serving any purpose. Does he do his business outside at all? If he does, praise him and give him treats when he does, and don't when he goes inside. He'll learn that it's better to go outside because of the praise and treats. Does he pee all over the house when you're gone? Or when you're home? Also, it may not be likely, but if he's unable to hold it, he may have some kind of medical problem having to do with its bladder. If that's the case, you may want to take your dog to the vet. I would suggest potty training him the same way you did before moving, but if that involved pee pads, then I guess there's no point. Hope this helps!