Is it okay for a dog to eat grass?

My husband and I just got a shih tzu puppy and whenever we take him outside in our backyard to do his job he loves to lay and roll in the grass and sometimes eat the grass. I heard somewhere that if a dog eats grass it means they have an upset stomach or…

    Is it okay for a dog to eat grass?

    My husband and I just got a shih tzu puppy and whenever we take him outside in our backyard to do his job he loves to lay and roll in the grass and sometimes eat the grass. I heard somewhere that if a dog eats grass it means they have an upset stomach or…...
    General Dog Discussions : Is it okay for a dog to eat grass?...

    • Its natural. Just make sure there is no chemicals on the grass and that the dog doesn't eat to much. They eat the grass to throw it up just to get rid of a stomach problem. But if your dog eats to much(which it can) it is unhealthy. Maybe a 10 second feeding time is plenty for the dog.

    • dogs eats grass my teacher told me that its normal its just curing itself. But make sure that theres no chemical that you sprayed on the grass because it can cause stuff that you don't know and my friend said it happened to her dog and every time she goes to the vet it always cost her $350.00 and the medicine is not included.

    • My dog eats EVERYTHING!! He ate a crayon yesterday. He eats grass ALL THE TIME!!! Sometimes he eats too much and pukes and sometimes he doesn't. It doesn't mean anything like its going to rain or his stomach is just means he likes grass. Mine rolls in it and eats it all the time.

    • Dogs (and cats) eat grass to aid in digestion--Since most pets are unable to hunt like their wild cousins they can't get the fiber from eating the gut of prey,so they'll eat grass or other plants

    • Your puppy is a very cute breed and congradualations on your new adition. Eating grass is perfectly fine for a dog. I have never herd the rain story before ( i wouldnt believe it if i were you) but dogs tend to eat grass A) if they are hungry B) they have an upset stomach (the grasss helps them throw up and get what ever is bothering them out of there system) C) they are curiouse or D) they just enjoy eating grass (i have seen dogs that just eat grass becasue they like to and some times will throw up becasue of it, its not bad for them, its just another sign that points to the reason of why we are the owner and not them LOL! Good luck with your little pup!