What should i do if my puppy ate some jellybeans?

My puppy who is almost 4 months old found some Harry Potter Bertie Botts jelly beans and he seems ok right now but he is hyper. Is the sugar only making him hyper or should I call a vet? Will he be ok?

    What should i do if my puppy ate some jellybeans?

    My puppy who is almost 4 months old found some Harry Potter Bertie Botts jelly beans and he seems ok right now but he is hyper. Is the sugar only making him hyper or should I call a vet? Will he be ok?...
    General Dog Discussions : What should i do if my puppy ate some jellybeans?...

    • Don't waste your money on a vet visit unless he has diarrhea for several days or vomits for several days. He may vomit from all of the sugar or have diarrhea but that's about it. Dogs eat all kinds of stuff we don't know about and live. The thing I love most about your question is that you specified exactly what kind of jelly beans he ate. It's so sweet. You obviously love your dog very much. Just help him wear himself out by playing with him and let him get a good nights sleep. And for goodness sakes- put up the jelly beans, but before you do...eat some for me- I'm not picky- I like them all! Good luck!

    • okay seriously for the ppl putting thumbs down, its unecessary. FIRST OF ALL, IF HE EATS LIKE THE WHOLE BAG OR HALF OF THE BAG THEN YOU SHOULD TAKE HIM TO THE VET.other than that his fine. also don't call me a badowner, it really just overreacting.