If a dog has an obstruction, what color would his vomit be?

Okay, I'm honestly asking this question out of curiosity. No, none of my dogs are suffering the symptoms of an obstruction.So, the colors, textures, smells, etc. of:Esophagus obstructionStomach obstructionSmall Intestine ""Large ""Thanks!…

    If a dog has an obstruction, what color would his vomit be?

    Okay, I'm honestly asking this question out of curiosity. No, none of my dogs are suffering the symptoms of an obstruction.So, the colors, textures, smells, etc. of:Esophagus obstructionStomach obstructionSmall Intestine ""Large ""Thanks!…...
    General Dog Discussions : If a dog has an obstruction, what color would his vomit be?...

    • If a dog has an obstruction, what color would his vomit be?

      If a dog has an obstruction, what color would his vomit be? General Dog Discussions
      Okay, I'm honestly asking this question out of curiosity. No, none of my dogs are suffering the symptoms of an obstruction.So, the colors, textures, smells, etc. of:Esophagus obstructionStomach obstructionSmall Intestine ""Large ""Thanks!

      If a dog has an obstruction, what color would his vomit be?

      If a dog has an obstruction, what color would his vomit be? General Dog Discussions
    • I've never heard that the colors & such would neccesarily be markedly different.if you're looking for telltale symptoms - here's what I saw when my dog had an obstruction - symptoms that were consistent with what I had read to be common symptoms: dog regurgitates whatever your feed him even just water, fairly soon after feeding.dog shows distress, discomfort, shivers (from pain), acts depressed and/or anxious. panting.dog may whimper if you pick him up, or even if you dont.my dog Jake (blond, pictured) ate a baby gate doorknob as a puppy. he was @ 15 lbs at the time. I took him straight to the vet within say 15-20 minutes of seeing these symptoms begin.he ended up passing the obstruction naturally the next morning (intact, which is how we found out what it was) - just before he was scheduled for an x-ray - and he suffered no lasting harm.To this day I am amazed by our good fortune. The equivalent would be like you or me swallowing and passing a salt shaker.